Hillbilly Heaven
If I were you I would go play the lottery. I picked one up about the same time you have had yours, for a quick job that I was without my good greenlee crimper. My dies are definitely metric but usable if you are aware of what a good quality crimp looks like and use the proper lugs with it. It will work with AWG sizes but with a mix of thick wall and heavy wall lugs. Not all dies work with all lugs. IE it may work for 2AWG thin wall lugs and not heavy wall lugs, but with 1/0 it may work with heavy wall lugs but not thin wall lugs.I've had mine for 5 years and I've been able to crimp every size of cable I've ever needed. All of the dies are AWG and the hydraulics still work like new. Just lucky I guess.
Yes it may mean you need to stop before a complete crimp cycle to prevent over crimping ( Crimp dies bottomed out). This does not mean that it is a good crimp and may not pass pull out testing, it just has the appearance of a good crimp.