Conqueror Compact master awning/fly


Couple of pics from the weekend.

The tarp worked out to be a good size. I took WAG on the dimensions, based the 12x16 that I had and it worked out to be just about right. :sombrero:

The material appears to be well suited for the task. Heavy duty, but manageable weight-wise (37lbs according to my bathroom scale). Reasonable considering it's 400 square feet of fabric.

I won't win any speed contests setting up 'big' camp, but it's gotten faster each of the 5 times we've been out since getting the trailer in August. I put the big canopy up and took it down by myself, but it would be easier with a helper. Once I have my setup procedure dialed in it'll be a little easier as well.

I like the material quite a bit as it is far more supple than a regular tarp and handles like canvas. The coating looks and feels like some kind of urethane. All the panel seams and edges are folded and double stitched with back tacking every few inches. The material also lets some light though so it's nice and light underneath as well not like a cave.

Didn't get to test the water shedding properties as it fortunately did not rain on us, but I expect it should work fine in that regard as well. If it rains enough to get us wet under the cover, we'll probably need :snorkel: anyway...

All in all, I am quite happy with this setup. The tarp is a bit of a chore to put up and pack away by myself, mostly due to the height of the tent roof but definitely doable. The $179 (delivered) price is a bargain too. :sombrero:






So is this tarp a square or is it more in a bowl shape so it forms around the tent? It looks like a bowl but pictures can be missleading.


The tarp is flat, 20x20.

I thought about having it custom made with a 'peak' but decided that A)Not *really* necessary B)more complicated/expensive C)limits set up options.

The flat tarp lets me position it however I want in relation to the tent and not worry about how it's lined up.

The only thing that I'm finding to be a bit challenging (and it's not specific to the tarp), is getting it over the roof during setup. I might attach a line that I can toss over the top and pull the folded longways tarp over, then unfold it out to the sides.

If I could simply learn to levitate or use the Force......

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