Just went through this a few weeks ago...my charger went bad, and ruined an Odyssey 1750 for me. Circuit breaker was fine, the charger they put in there is an old design, creates a lot of heat, and (as we know) impossible to get factory parts for... I took the panel out, replaced the on board charger and associated electronics with a marine grade smart charger (10A). It takes some fishing around in there to figure out the wiring... result is panel looks stock, same lights, charge indicator...but I have a solid state waterproof reliable charger behind there.
As a side-note. Anyone who wants to wire a 110V outlet into their trailer, connected to the AC breaker behind the panel is a spare pig-tail that is wired directly into the 40A breaker and is hot when the shore power and breaker is connected. It has the Conqueror plug, so you have to change that, but an easy way to gain 110V service without an inverter..if you have some power where you happen to be...