Conqueror Water Tanks Long Term Storage?


Just a thought..... How long is too long to store water in the tanks of the trailer. This is my thought. Emergency Preparedness. While storing the trailer have it full of water and just empty and refill before each trip so it is fresh, but that way if a emergency arises you have a large amount of water storage not taking up any extra space.

Good or Bad Idea? Would I need to do anything for the tanks for keeping the water in there that long? Also the trailer lives in the insullated garage so freezing should not be an issue in the winter. My cats water doesnt look too cold in there.


Is the tank clear (semi transparent) or black? My thought is as long as the water is stored in a dark cool environment, it should be fine, after all, water is stored in big tanks all the time, and for long periods of time,
Just my thoughts.

Happy trails!

Robert Bills

If your tanks are clean and full to the top so there is as little air as possible, the water should be fine for quite some time. Heat and light will promote the growth of "stuff," but storage in a cool, dark environment should be fine for many months.

There are backpacking kits you can buy to test for purity and "growing stuff," but if the stored water came from the tap and still smells and tastes fresh when you drain it, it probably is.


New member
In the Marine Corps we take a small amount of chlorine (very small amount) and put in in our water buffalo's (Huge water drinking tanks) it seems to work well you can't taste the chlorine and I have seen the water last months.


In the Marine Corps we take a small amount of chlorine (very small amount) and put in in our water buffalo's (Huge water drinking tanks) it seems to work well you can't taste the chlorine and I have seen the water last months.

How large are the tanks?


Expedition Leader
That's what a "prepared" friend of mine does. He has barrels in the basement with water in them and just puts some bleach in and stores them for months before changing.

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