Cost for your DIY multi axis hitch?


Expedition Leader
I don't want to dirty up JScherb's threads by asking this kinda off topic question. I am curious as to what all you guys that have tried his or other designs for a multi axis trailer hitch have invested so far? I ran across a tractor supply and decided to go ahead and grab the hard to find stuff while I was there. Following the parts list I figured it would be close to the 50ish bucks....Not so. Now first, this is no way, shape, or form intended to be an accusation or gripe, I'm just curious as to where maybe I screwed up.
I followed the shopping list, part number for part number as best I could. The only stuff I didn't get were the trailer hitch or tubing stock. Or the ball. Yet somehow I spent about 68 bucks just on the "little" stuff. Has anyone else had this happen? JS, if you read this, can you let me know how long ago it was you priced this stuff? I just want to make sure TSC didn't charge me wrong for something.


Prices do vary regionally among stores, then you factor in changes in the taxes charged too. Those two items easily could make for an $18 difference.


Expedition Leader
Hey Guys...Thanks for the feedback.
Mark, I will go over the receipt again just to make sure. And I'm not in Germany anymore...I'm now stationed in VA at Ft. Myer. Thanks for reminding me to fix that. :)
And I agree jeepfreak81, prices can vary and taxes from state to state could be different. But I believe JS's list included the price of the square tubing and the receiver tube. My cost was higher and I didn't even get those parts. *shrugs*
The hitch pins were a couple dollars more per pin which is fine. But I think what messed me up was how the girl rang up the bolts, nut and washers. She put them all on the scale at the same time to weigh them. Then totaled them that way. Now maybe I don't understand how they are priced...and I know JS mentioned that they were sold by the lbs. But is a grade 8 bolt sold at the same price per pound that the washers and nut are? I am not sure. I'll drag the stuff out tonight and double check.

Mark Harley

Expedition Leader
What? The cashier at TS rang you out wrong and charged a higher price while looking at her smart phone
and texting her friend Trish about what time she was off and how boring the day was?

Not in this world.........


It sounds like you got nailed at the scale.
Too bad she didn't ring it up as 5lbs of flat washers instead of 5lbs of stainless lock nuts :)

Can you add the link to the hitch thread? I tried searching but couldn't find it.

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