Couple of Months Traveling Through Baja


Great trip report!! Along with awesome pictures!

Now that it has been 2+ years since you bought the lot what are your plans with it? Was it an investment or are you going to build a home/RV park/bar etc once you decide to find a permanent couch?

just curious...

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
Great trip report!! Along with awesome pictures!

Now that it has been 2+ years since you bought the lot what are your plans with it? Was it an investment or are you going to build a home/RV park/bar etc once you decide to find a permanent couch?

just curious...

That's a good question because we've been talking alot about that lately

We've always talked about opening up our own motel/rv park but didnt have the money to build it from scratch.

We kept shopping for jobs and ended up finding one managing a 5 room motel that also has 5 RV slots. We jumped on the chance and have learned a ton of what we like and what we dont like. Best part is, it has only cost us our time and some small investment on things we've done to add to the place in order to make it more successful.

One of the main things we've learned is we dont like the Motel business. It's a ton of work and it seems to be never ending. Imagine the basic upkeep of your own house, now add 5 efficiency apartments to that schedule which includes washing of the towels, dishes and bedding and it becomes a non-stop job.

The RV's are totally different. When an RV'er pulls in, you get them set up in the slot, which at the most might take all of 15 minutes, and once they're set up, they're usually offering you beers and just want to kick back and relax.

We've figured out that a small RV Park on the property would be ideal which would give us time to either take people out exploring the surrounding areas via 4x4 trails, or just kick back and hand out with them and talk about their trip.

We're hoping to stay here for one more year before we take off and head to Baja. Then we'll start work on the RV Park.


New member
Incredible pictures! You must be a professional photographer?

baja is a magic place that's for sure. As a surfer who's been escaping to the peninsula since 1984, rarely a day goes by where my mind doesn't drift off and to some magical baja moment of my past. Yes, it has changed dramatically, but still remains somewhat lost in time. The days of traveling on a shoestring are long gone for me, but my best memories of baja were of the months spent living on the beach with almost no money, of cars that fell apart, cars that were left behind, sold cheaply, or even given away.

The fishing camps and the pescaderos of baja are without doubt what I associate the grit of baja with the most. These are some of the most resourceful ppl you'll ever meet... just prepared to get into a lot of trouble if you drink with them!

Even more than the sundried fisherman tho, I'd have to say that in my 25+ years of traveling baja, the ppl I think of most are the OLD seasoned surfers that have been making this trip longer than I have. Veterans like THE Tom, Glen Horn, Jose Suelta, Fibber, Oregon Rob, etc, etc. What really separates these guys from the normal baja traveler, is these guys are LOW IMPACT and LOW KEY! To me, that's what baja is about.

Gluck w/ your property. Asuncion is one of the last pristine fishing towns on the baja. Not many ppl take that big of a leap their first trip! I'll be honest, I'm a little partial to foreigners "developing" land in baja. I've seen what happens to places like Scorpion bay or even the East Cape. Then again, Mexicans if given money or a profit to gain, rape the land just as bad. Guess that's just human nature and the world getting smaller and smaller. If anything, try to preserve the magic. Keep it low key and low impact!

Look forward to running into you some day. Thanks for the great pics and great write up. Really enjoyed reading of your adventures and hope for many more. 10 years from now, you'll look back at this document and of your experiences with baja and either laugh or cry, or both.

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
Incredible pictures! You must be a professional photographer?

What really separates these guys from the normal baja traveler, is these guys are LOW IMPACT and LOW KEY! To me, that's what baja is about.

You do realize that we named our little Motel/RV Park here in Florida the Low-Key Hideaway :sombrero:

We sort of came up with the name hoping that if it was to pan out, we could just make a Low-Key Hideaway #2 and move it South of the Border. Believe me when you say things like "Keeping it Real" we're not the type to come in and neon it up with glam and glitter.

We're talking maybe a few solar panels for power, a wind turbine and some beach chairs to watch the waves


Expedition Leader
Thanks so much for sharing.. i enjoyed the hell out of it.

I guess it's safe to assume Cindy has her new lens by now?!


wow amazing pictures! March is amazing season for whales :) you got some amazing shots. love the one of the mobula breaching! here are a few pics i got few weeks ago down your way :)



Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
Enjoyed every word and pic! Thanks for sharing. :sombrero:

Glad you liked it...I know we did!

Thanks so much for sharing.. i enjoyed the hell out of it.

I guess it's safe to assume Cindy has her new lens by now?!

Cindy had CPS fix her lens within 2 days of returning to California. She's since not let me use it :(

:victory:Your life is really cool

Thanks, at least that point of it was lots of fun!

wow amazing pictures! March is amazing season for whales :) you got some amazing shots. love the one of the mobula breaching! here are a few pics i got few weeks ago down your way :)


That picture blows me away! I love everything about it. I'd have it hung on my wall 30" x 40" if it was mine!! Thanks for sharing


yeah its just to bad the camera lens reflected off the wide angle dome... but i do love that pic. its my desktop background right now

The Giant Pacific Mantas are a real pleasure to film or shoot. they almost crave human attention they love to be touched and will come right up to you and look you dead in the eye.



yeah its just to bad the camera lens reflected off the wide angle dome... but i do love that pic. its my desktop background right now

The Giant Pacific Mantas are a real pleasure to film or shoot. they almost crave human attention they love to be touched and will come right up to you and look you dead in the eye.


Wow that is a cool picture. Where was it taken?

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