Couple Questions, PNW Solar Use, Math Check


I know a bit about this stuff. My way is to buy a good cranking battery and not abuse it. Then I buy a cheap deep cycle and beat the crap out of it by completely ignoring the 50% rule.

Since I like to stretch a parachute over the whole area, including the truck (it holds up the center of the chute), I use the smallest generator I can find to power a decent charger and fire it up every few days to recharge the battery.

Of course, I have to replace the battery every two years (or less), but I don't care...I pay half as much when I do so it averages out the same.

This seems like my only viable option up in the PNW. It also happens to be the most expensive option - cost of dual batteries PLUS a generator.

fridges are worth it 100%. i would spend the time getting it right now and then rock it out. I'm going to do an isolator on my main starting battery to my AUX and then let the truck charge both and also have a solar panel for when i'm stopped. The isolator will protect the start battery from getting to low.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely want a fridge. Having the wife's approval already I feel like it needs to happen at some point. I'd just like the most sensible solution that allows me to keep the truck off for 3-5 days and run the fridge, although it sounds like the truck part might not matter since the stock alternator might not rapidly recharge the battery.


Expedition Leader
Maybe alter your camping style slightly to incorporate the operational requirements. Camp 2 nights, drive a 100mi, camp somewhere else for a couple nights, with the drive being your recharge. Call it scouting for future longer stays.

On the generator side of things, there are a lot of people in the Prepper forums having a very satisfactory experience with the mini-generators sold by Harbor Freight. Roughly 900W max output (call it 8A at 110VAC), the generators are about a cubic foot in dimension and have a very low fuel consumption rate. Another cubic foot for a 2-1/2gal jug of fuel mix.
They're well under $100, the newer generation (red-painted) are purportedly tolerant of ethanol-adulterated fuel. Here's a years-long topic on them, full of good info

They're not loud. I won't call them quiet, either. But they would annoy any camping neighbors. I've got the older blue model, I've used it in some remote sites and it's performed quite well for me. Very happy with it. The Little Engine That Could. Just didn't have the peak power I wanted to run some heavier electric saws. So I'm looking to add a 1500W inverter in my vehicle / storage platform build. But the generator still has a place in my plans.

But overall it seems your best plan might be a briefcase-style double panel solution that you can set on the ground, with a long wire leash, and set it full in the sun and at the optimum angle, to eke out the power you need. Or combine that with a passive flat roof mounting so you are taking in at least a little power all the time.


Tail-End Charlie
I'm using one of those little HF 100 dollar two stroke gens. A gallon of gas twice a week to do two full charges on the battery when I'm full timing gets me all the power I need.

The aux battery was 120 bucks last time I replaced it.

There might be a cheaper way to go, dunno...haven't really approached it from that perspective. I like shade so solar is out and this is a viable alternative that gets it done.

I said it was my way. I didn't say there is no other way.


Some sort of lost...
solar insolation / energy maps show a grim tale for solar in the wet zone of the PacNorthwest. You're gonna get about 1/3 the energy as the same system would in the Southwest.


Yep, best thing to do is stay in California. We're all full up here anyway. Enjoy the sun down there! =P


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
You just need to be a bit more creative during the winter.

During the winter our fridge is normally turned off, and the one compartment that is accessible from inside the cabin, and vented to the outside, is used for perishables.

Certainly cold enough around here during the winter :sombrero:
If I even carry a fridge in the winter there's not much reason to run it when it's colder outside than inside. If anything I'd want to leave it off to prevent my beers from freezing. That's the great equalizer, a fella in the PNW probably doesn't have to be concerned with a 50 degree ambient-to-fridge differential and 14 hours of direct sunlight parked in the San Rafael Swell where you're consuming 18A-hr a day. So their need for solar and running the engine isn't as demanding.


Even at temps well below zero, the fridge still needs to maintain a pretty substantial temp difference, as the cabin is heated.

Have to keep the wife (and my toes) happy. :sombrero:

So the camper cabin maintains a 65-70 degree interior temp.


Also remember, with regards to cold and power...

Lead acid batteries simply don't like severe cold.

So I always design the battery compartments in such a way that they are sealed from the inside, vented to the outside, but also insulated from the outside, and not from the inside. This allows much of the cabin heat to warm the battery compartment.

Same goes for the propane compartments.


For what it's worth, I try not to overthink or over complicate things. Buying a fridge was hands down the single best investment and choice I've made. Period. I also went with a simple dual battery setup with a TMax controller and I have a 75 Watt solar panel and control. (A simple Coleman setup, not expensive at all) . It just all works, and the TMax battery control is my failsafe against killing my main battery. We camped for 4 days in Glacier this past summer, surrounded by trees and had no issues whatsoever. I have the Domefic CF 50, and it seems very efficient. I unplugged it after a party last week, and 24 hours later the beer inside was still ice cold. I have never taken the time to sit and calculate any numbers regarding the draw of my system. I honestly dont worry about it, or care. I try not to overthink things that can be simple.

Sent from the Mountains

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