Cracked Exhaust Manifold Replacement - Gen 3


Alrighty - Update time

I got the exhaust manifolds back from the muffler shop here's the results:


I chatted with the guy that does the work and the basic method was pretty straightforward and they've had good success with it in the past.

The starting point is they can only weld cast steel parts and not cast iron (apparently most Japanese cars are cast steel). The difference is the amount of carbon in the metal, as soon as you exceed 2.0% carbon in the metal it is classified as cast iron rather than cast steel. A good overview of the differences can be found here. In order to weld the cast steel the guys v-grind out the crack and then heat the entire part up to cherry red hot (couple of torches) before they hit it with the mig. This is the shop equivalent of doing a few things metallurgically - first grinding out a crack is vitally important, if you don't you end up with a stress concentration right at the base of your weld - which cases it to re-crack basically immediately - grinding it out reduces this possibility. Secondly, when you weld as the metal solidifies and cools it contracts, this results in distortion in parts that can move - or tremendous stress if the part is rigid enough (like a cast manifold) that it can't distort it introduces a ton of stress into the part, which can cause it to fail later. The worst case is called solidification cracking where the part cracks before it even cools down to room temp - as the heat is pulled out of the weld by the rest of the part the solidification process is weak near the center and it will crack wide open during cooling (audibly in fact). By preheating the part you dramatically slow the cooling process, increase weld penetration, and decrease the stress on the weld, making it more likely to last. They welded the shorter crack successfully in one try, the second wasn't preheated enough and re-cracked on cooling, so they had to do it again and get it hotter. Second time around you also get a bit more weld metal alloying which helps avoid cracking later.

I think a better solution in the long term is to furnace or torch braze the part because it will automatically wick to the end of the crack to avoid stress concentrations, it's less molten metal so the stress is reduced, and it's ductile enough that it won't crack afterwards. But until I have an oxy-fuel torch and another cracked manifold I won't be able to try it.

On buying new units I came up without a ton of new info, the people I called in the US about the OEM manifolds didn't know if we are getting welded manifolds from the factory now and the imports from Australia were outrageously expensive. To handle the 3-cat systems you need a "Exhaust Manifold Replacement," part number A349MR (which is stainless) and it'll run you roughly $550 plus another $75 for shipping. It doesn't sound like a group buy will save anything either....

Anyways, I was pretty pleased with the work so far, we'll see how they mate up and how they last, if they crack again I'll update the thread.

Shop in question was AA Performance Muffler & Brokers in Englewood, CO, price ended up around $50. Seemed like a great shop, I'll be looking there when I go to replace my suitcase muffler.


2002 Montero Ltd
On buying new units I came up without a ton of new info, the people I called in the US about the OEM manifolds didn't know if we are getting welded manifolds from the factory now and the imports from Australia were outrageously expensive. To handle the 3-cat systems you need a "Exhaust Manifold Replacement," part number A349MR (which is stainless) and it'll run you roughly $550 plus another $75 for shipping. It doesn't sound like a group buy will save anything either....

Can you share where you found A349MR? Right now on AU Ebay there's only 1 set and it's over 1k AUD. The single cat pacemaker headers (PH9360) are 575AUD plus shipping. With the exchange rate the way it is right now, that's tolerable vs buying new stock ones that will just crack.


Some guys over here in the us are running just the performance headers with the factory downpipe/cats.

3.5 and 3.8 are the same fitment except where the EGR comes in. Some of the headers fit both styles and you drill and tap which one you need.

There are pretty much two designs. The long tube versions that get rid of the two cats, and short tube ones that come with a downpipe that can replace the cats or bolt up to the factory downpipes/cats. I can't recall off hand right now which ones are quick but I did have all the info before I put new cats on my 2006.

It's pretty published on the paj forums that Mitsubishi fixed the issues with stainless welded designs. I think it's because the NS/NT trucks share a lot with the NM/NP underneath.

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Can you share where you found A349MR? Right now on AU Ebay there's only 1 set and it's over 1k AUD. The single cat pacemaker headers (PH9360) are 575AUD plus shipping. With the exchange rate the way it is right now, that's tolerable vs buying new stock ones that will just crack.

I emailed back and forth with:

Advance Headers
16 Braeside Avenue
Holden Hill S.A 5088

ph: (08) 8396 2598
fax: (08) 8395 0010


Ryan was very helpful but in the end I just couldn't stomach the cost, so far my weld repaired exhaust manifold has held up fine. I think a better solution is to replace the entire exhaust system with a long header, y-pipe and a single Cat into a small muffler instead of the complex monstrosity that's in there now - however - i'm not sure if I'd pass Colorado emissions if I did that. Not sure on the legality here, but I know in NY asking a shop to modify an OEM emission system is illegal, which means even if I could pass with the simpler system I'd have to do all the work myself and I don't have the tools to make it a clean job. At that point I'd say screw it and put twin turbos on it!


New member
I got the replacement exhaust manifolds from Ryan with advance headers in Australia recently for my 2006 Montero. They bolted up nicely and have the egr port on the right side header. They weren't cheap ($900 AUD shipped) but should eliminate the cracking issue. My stock manifold on the left side was cracked. It seemed to seal up as it heated up, but when cold and started up, there was an exhaust leak sound coming from the cracked manifold.

I also got a new two cat y pipe to replace the stock system. Mine was somewhat clogged on the left side compared to the right side. Went with the DEC brand which is stainless. This pipe bolted up nicely, but due to the shape of the converter (round) it fits tightly against the heat shield on the transmission. 4 new denso O2 sensors on the new y pipe cat setup. Exhaust gas now smells so clean - no joke!

A little off topic, but I had the engine down to just the block, still in the Monty. Had the cylinder heads cleaned, checked and resurfaced, new seals installed at the machine shop. Put it all back together and it's running well. I tried to do the egr delete, but promptly got a CEL for egr low flow so I guess I'll hook that back up. I just cringe at the thought as the intake manifold was so dirty with carbon and gunk when I took it apart due to the egr.


Glad to hear someone picked up those Australian units to try out, good to hear it seems to have worked out well. Now we just need some pictures!


I took my exhaust manifold shield off my 03 montero and there is a huge crack. How hard is it to remove the manifold? There is little room and Im concerned that Im going to break exhaust studs or something. Thinking of trying the furnace cement solution, but I have a tig welder and brazing rod. I was thinking that I could weld it on the car, but frankly the angle is funky and there are enough fumes that I dont want to blow myself up. Any tips to ease manifold remover (soak in PB blaster for a few days)?


That is a big crack... As far as getting it off, hit it with PB blaster (or other penetrant) for a couple days in a row and hopefully it'll break free. I have an itsy bitsy impact gun and it worked really well, but I think after a couple days of penetrant it'd just come off. It's a bear to get them out (ask anyone that's pulled them before) but it is certainly possible with a few choice swear words and some bloody knuckles. I wouldn't try to operate in-situ, it'd be too difficult to do a good job, and even harder to do an adequate inspection pre-post operation.

I haven't pulled the heat shields to check mine, but they're quiet, so my assumption is they've held up ok. The guys that did mine ground out the crack to clean metal and used a big rosebud tip torch and a mig gun to reduce thermal stresses when they did the weld, they'd done this sort of repair in the past and had good results. I'd still love to try the brazing approach, but I think you might actually need a couple torches to keep the temperature up. Getting it to work with a Tig welder would be a challenge, the metal is so dirty, and you need such a huge heat input that I would struggle to make a good weld. Though - if I had access to a tig welder I would seriously consider building my own headers....


Wow, that's a big crack. Ya, getting to the Driver side is way harder than the Passenger side. You'll probably have to remove the battery box and heatshield for starters and then maybe even the y pipe to get even more room to work. Hit the bolts with some penetration oil a day or so before you start the job and that should help.

I just pulled my passenger side off last week and the nuts came off easily with a breaker bar.

There are no aftermarket options for 3.8L manifolds in the USA right now so your options currently are Aussie Headers ($700-$900) or Mitsu OEM manifold ($325ish). I thought both options were too expensive so I found a source for aftermarket manifolds overseas and am looking into importing them, if the quality is good I'll be selling them for about half the price of OEM. PM me if you're interested and I can keep you posted.



Thanks for the suggestions. @SONICMASD - Thats an interesting proposition, but Ive never heard anything good from chinese headers for the Montero. I hope Im wrong - it would be nice to have an inexpensive option.
I ended up phoning Ryan at Advanced headers in Australia (mentioned above) just now. He told me that the 3 cat replacement kit that @ajm291 purchased above is no longer available. He said the problem is that this manifold was prone to cracking as well due to the proximity of the cats to the manifold. The only option that he had was the 3 piece extractor option (PN: A349PSS). It eliminates the 2 upstream cats. It requires you to delete the upstream cats and comes at a complete kit for $975 AUD plus shipping (~$140 AUD) to the US.
Im tempted to go this route, but may be asking for trouble deleting the 2 cats and living in California....


Im tempted to go this route, but may be asking for trouble deleting the 2 cats and living in California....

I've heard rumors that the emissions of a single high performance CAT is adequate to pass in most places, but I've never actually seen anyone attempt it. In Colorado a shop can't legally modify (or so they told me) any emissions equipment, even if it would work better afterwards. I'd be curious to try and build a header/exhaust system that goes to a single cat just to simplify life and maybe add a bit of performance, but I don't have the equipment or time to do it. At least here they look for check engine lights (which can be fixed using a O2 standoff bung,) and measure the emissions, so as long as the levels were in-line with what they expected, you'd be fine.


Thats funny. Ive used the O2 standoff bungs too and it worked like a charm! I drove through lots of mud before emissions test. There was no way a tech was going to crawl under there for an inspection! The problem with the forward cat delete is that you can see them easily from the top. The aftermarket pipes are branded so that they are definitely not OEM. I think Im going to try brazing the headers I have. This morning I checked the other side and its cracked as well. So now I know that both of mine are shot. Funny thing is that when I move teh heat shields of the way, I dont get the exhaust noise when cold. If I wasnt so anal, Id just remove the shields and keep driving...

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