Craig's 1989 RRC


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Edit: A HUGE thank you to following people for their time, labor, and parts donations that have helped make this budget build possible:

John Rohrbaugh @ NW Overland Society and friend since college
Dan Cronin @ NW Overland Society
Brent Frazier @ Columbia Rovers
Scott Brady @ Overland Journal
David Jenden @ RoverTech
Gord'n Perrot @ Lamorna Garage
Todd Eliason @ NW Overland Society
Joe Koegler @ NW Overland Society
Grant Mossman @ NW Overland Society
Mike Oldani @ NW Overland Society

------------- Original Post ------------------
About a week ago, I received a call from a friend whose wife was threatening to donate his 1989 RRC to charity. Rather than see it go to the scrap heap, he was wondering if I wanted his non-running, non-shifting 1989 RRC.

A few days later I had it towed the maximum distance my towing insurance would cover to my friend Dan's house.


That night, we took a quick look at it, threw a charger on it, and I went home. A few hours later, Dan sends me a text "I couldn't resist... It runs!"

A few days later we were working on the shifting problem. It turned out the shift box was completely siezed up. Gordon at Lamorna Garage in Seattle set me up with a used one for $40 and we were in business. Put the interior back together, put new plates on it, and it was time to take it home.

My wife and neighbors however, weren't as excited about this oxidized green pollen covered Land Rover as I was.


Time to clean it up. Many, many, hours later and it was presentable.



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good job, looks awesome , when i hear stores like this i say i am a proud single, no chick has the right to tell me what to do with my toys, i lease the girls and return them every 6 months

and my rover is the best gf so far i had

Chazz Layne

good job, looks awesome , when i hear stores like this i say i am a proud single, no chick has the right to tell me what to do with my toys, i lease the girls and return them every 6 months

We learned this trick during the Cold War, it's called Mutually Assured Destruction. My wife can sell my Discovery, over her dead Ranger. :jump:

Nice to see another RRC saved, I'm jealous. I have always wanted one of those, but never quite been able to justify it...


Just here...
good job, looks awesome , when i hear stores like this i say i am a proud single, no chick has the right to tell me what to do with my toys, i lease the girls and return them every 6 months

and my rover is the best gf so far i had

As the owner of a completely impractical D1 and having a GF for 4 years now, youre just looking in all the wrong places. Find the right one and everything is gravy. I get a question every once in a while as to whether I still love it. I grin and the discussion is done. She loves it too.

Nice save.

David Harris

Expedition Leader
good job, looks awesome , when i hear stores like this i say i am a proud single, no chick has the right to tell me what to do with my toys, i lease the girls and return them every 6 months

and my rover is the best gf so far i had

I read you loud and clear.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
My quick 2 sentences doesn't tell the whole story. Suffice it to say, my friends wife and mine are both very supportive and tolerant of our insanity.

My friend was also being very generous by donating the rig to me. He knows I've put a cap on my Overlanding expenses right now, and he wanted to help me out.

I'm just glad to have an RRC on the trail, and hope to share many of those miles with the friend who gave it to me.

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Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Sweet. Can't help but love the rrc

Looks like the paint came out nicely

Pretty much. If you look close, there are a few places that were too cooked to restore completely, a few places where the paint was already worn through to the primer, and there is already a fair amount of trail rash on it.

As a DD/trail rig it won't be in any car shows though. Overall I'm VERY pleased with the results. Looks good driving around town, but is broken in enough that I won't freak out if I get a minor scratch/dent on the trail.



Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018! Cleaned up very nicely. I have always loved that color.





Exactly what I'm thinking. This is a major budget build right now though. Unless I stumble across a free TDI too, it's not going to happen for a while. Business, house, etc are all a higher priority.


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