crap night with the GX470




I'm on a SAR team, and we deal with poison oak all the time. Zanfel is the only thing I found that helps.

The other stuff works when you know you were exposed and trying to get the oil off before you get a reaction (windex and simple green work too) but the zanfel is the only thing that helps me when you break out.


Capitan rally fluffer
Yes the main fuse 140A saved everything. I did replace one of the main ECU fuses as well (Fused both sides of the ecu).

and I didn't know I was exposed to the ivy/oak/sumac but I cleaned non covered skin and that worked for the most part aside from areas that had scratches. but my legs got it bad. I was wearing long pants (Carhartts) and got it all over my legs.

It really sucks as I am spending 40hrs in a van hauling the rally car to Prescott next monday and I hope that this has died down for the most part.


There are 2 fuse boxes in the cab also. I would go threw them all and check for any other fuses that may be blown.


glad to hear it! What a relief... :rolleyes:

Yes the main fuse 140A saved everything. I did replace one of the main ECU fuses as well (Fused both sides of the ecu).

and I didn't know I was exposed to the ivy/oak/sumac but I cleaned non covered skin and that worked for the most part aside from areas that had scratches. but my legs got it bad. I was wearing long pants (Carhartts) and got it all over my legs.

It really sucks as I am spending 40hrs in a van hauling the rally car to Prescott next monday and I hope that this has died down for the most part.


Capitan rally fluffer
glad to hear it! What a relief... :rolleyes:
Yes it is. It is horribly embarassing as this isn't exactly my first time popping the hood on something, let alone such a simple issue as this. I am just glad my stupid tax was much lower than it could have been.


I think about poison ivy and catch it. I've had it make me feel sick and usually I get it at least once a year bad enough for a Dr. visit. Too the point that I would wake myself up at night itching it.

One big Benadryl shot and a steroid shot = the itch goes away and it clears up in about a week. And I sleep for the next 24hrs from the Benadryl.


Capitan rally fluffer
:)) it stills runs fine though. Since I sold my Yamaha rhino maybe we could use that to go across the river to shoot?
Glad to hear the Lexi is happy now.
definitely! you will need to help me fix the window though.. It went down, but not back up.. :(

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