CREE LED bulb source?


Expedition Leader
I have 2 dead bulbs in my LED light bar. i thought maybe the soldered connections may have come loose. but they seem okay.

anyone have a source for the bulbs. seems like a pretty easy process to replace them.


What kind of LED's are they? Cree makes a lot of different emitters (XP-G, XM-L, XP-E...). Maybe post a picture of them. That will also show how they are attached.

For a bare emitter shipped quickly check out Digikey or Mouser, if you want the newest and brightest bins check Cutter electronics. They're in Australia but have a great selection of different bins and color temperatures.

Cree "bins" their LED's by brightness, so you'll see things like R2, T6, U2, etc. It's just the lumen range of the LED, so for example a Cree XM-L with a T6 bin will emit between 280 and 300 lumens @ 700 mA.

A warning though, if you replace a cool tint LED with a warmer tint that offers better color rendition you'll be spoiled and want to upgrade all of them...


Expedition Leader
here is my problem. another guy said to have the manufacturer send me a new end board, and solder it in.




In your photo it appears that of the four LED's on each circuit board, two are being driven with the same driver circuit. My guess is that it isn't the LED's at all, but the driver. That is something that could be repaired if you did a little troubleshooting and were comfortable with surface mount soldering, assuming you can identify the failed parts and find replacements.


In your photo it appears that of the four LED's on each circuit board, two are being driven with the same driver circuit. My guess is that it isn't the LED's at all, but the driver. That is something that could be repaired if you did a little troubleshooting and were comfortable with surface mount soldering, assuming you can identify the failed parts and find replacements.

×2 for sure.

And also agreed on the warmer-tint LEDs... Replace all of them with emitters that are between 3500-4000°K and you can watch that bar blow the minds that think LEDs can't be as good as other types of lighting.

And FWIW, those don't look like Cree parts in there (maybe Osram? I'm not as familiar with the other brands). Each manufacturer tends to make their own footprint for their LEDs, so you'll need to find something that has those same solder 'wings' on them.

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