So heres the low down. I am traveling across the country. The trip begins in Late May and ends whenever. I live in Connecticut and plan I living in CA or CO for a year after this trip. I am taking essentials, and preparing my truck so it is fully capable of living out of for 3+ months. I have been considering taking my k98 Mauser with me. For a number of reasons I think its a good idea. One being if I get in any kind of situation where I may need to hunt to survive and also I would like to have it in my apartment I will live in for self protection. The only problem is it is not registered or anything like that and I do not have a f.i.d. card for it. Keep in mind this rifle is from 1937 and has swastika stampings on it. (I love this gun by the way, and its a great piece of world history) So I called the CT state police and they said I should be fine if I render it in-operable. AKA remove the bolt and ship it to myself or something like that. But that leaves me with just carrying around a piece of wood and steel I can do nothing with. So what is everyones advice? I would like to have it with me, and have no problem taking the bolt out and putting it in a safe or hiding it somewhere in the cab. I know im probably just paranoid about all this but I would like peoples opinion on the matter.