Cruise Moab Registration Opens Monday January 21, 2013. Who's Going?


Dates on the home page are wrong and Rising Sun is tryng to get it and a few other things on the page fixed by Monday. Wednesday is May 1 thru Sunday May 5.

I plan on going. Guess those of us on the west coast may need to get up early to get the trails we want tho. No idea 'when' on Monday they'll have the registration page linked.


pighead won't have more time off (what little time he has off is reserved for rubithon :sombrero:), but i'm thinking we may run out for an extended weekend early week. i've been to enough of the cms that i don't like the run this trail at this time with these people stuff...i usually run outlaw with friends anyways.


Well-known member
Let's hope so! Camping at the same location for the San Rafael Swell run or do you mix it up Kurt?

Same location, our BLM permit requires that we stick with a large group are and while there are others that would work, none have the glam of that location. We are still working out the logistics of the trail rides but you can bet the entertainment will be the same as usual :D


Registration is OPEN!

Going to skip your AWESOME San Rafael Swelll run this year Kurt. Had an absolute blast last year. I'm going to still arive Tuesday, but then Wednesday go explore Arches, which I've never done and see if the Rising Sun folks want any help with registration. Your run is filling up much quicker than all the rest. 11 spots left as of about 1/2 hour ago as opposed to 17-19 on most other trails during registration. You do put on one heck of a good time!


Unfortunately, there is a household moratorium (mandated by the CFO) on CruiseMoab due to trail damage from the Porcupine Rim afew years back. The cost: @$1000 repair of rocker panels plus @$1000 for WhiteknuckleOffroad sliders plus @$1000 for new tires (31->33 inch) plus no more CruiseMoab. The benefit: Awesome sliders plus much better 33 inch tires.


Damage on Porcupine? Isn't that trail rated just a 4 or 5? What did you do? 3rd year there for me and it's one on my list for this year that I haven't run before.

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