Ok, back by popular demand, we got the JB Weld out. And did other things while we waited for that to set up.

We cut out a whole bunch of the cooling fins and prepped everything really well. We globbed all that on and we'll see what happens. Hopefully we'll find a deal on a good intercooler at some point and this whole mess will not be permanent.

While we wait for the epoxy to dry, lets get some other stuff in the back done. Picked up a Ninja Foodi at a super sweet deal. Think it was a Best Buy return, but never used. Paired with the induction cooktop, this unit will be our oven, pressure cooker, air fryer, dehydrator, sous vide, and even yogurt maker! Forresty Forest gave us the idea for this thing. We'll see how it goes. Any suggestions, we're all ears.

Good news is that it just clears the upper cabinets!

And we found a storage place for it. Even got some straps on it for safe transport. How did we get those sweet straps you might be asking?

Sewed them on a foot powered Singer treadle machine from the 1800's! We broke 4 other modern plastic sewing machines, so we resorted to this "decorative furniture". And let me tell you what a joy it is! Really, it works great and is a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.

In addition to the those straps for holding things in place, we made some custom fitted sheets for the new mattresses we cut up. It was a pain to sew elastic into the sheets. Needed all hands on deck for this one.

Had scrap foam of all different sizes. We settled with 3" foam. Best way to cut big foam this this? An electric fabric/carpet cutter from 100 years ago of course!

And now we have real futon mattress! Two pieces so it can easily be handled and bring seatbelt straps up between mattresses when you need to seat 5 or 6 people in the rig.

The fabric we used was some old scrap sheets we had laying around so they don't match. The comfort isn't what I wanted. We should have gone 4". Maybe we'll get a layer of 1" high density foam at some point.

When you're living with multiple girls, you realize that they all have different cushion preferences. So needy! So one side can be 6" of foam which is really nice, or be stubborn and sleep right on the plywood like an animal! Either way, the bed is a lot nicer than before.