Cummins Canoe (A Stepvan Story)


Back to tackling things that grind my gears.

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The concept of these party lights is great. The end result, eh, not so much. When you're standing, they glare into your eyes and are very spotty.

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Came up with the idea to add diffuser lens to them.

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The diffuser lenses really help out. Make it seem all 1980's like! These lights are almost totally pointless, but not useless. The switch for them is on the inside of the rear doors. So when entering through the back, these are the only lights to turn on until you find your way to another light. Plus they really set the mood!


So I've been crashing in a suburban neighborhood recently, and I don't think the neighbors appreciate people showering out in the street late at night. I'm waiting for the police to show up. Boy do I miss staying on BLM land!

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Been tossing this idea around for a long time. But I finally have good plan. Making these aluminum brackets to hold up a shower curtain rod thingy. I couldn't find aluminum u-bolts, so I heated and bent some aluminum round stock and welded them into these grooves.

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This shower curtain rod that I had used on my last rig fits nicely. Just drilled some holes and bolted the brackets right up.

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Perfect! No more free shows! We have future ideas that also incorporate these shower curtain rod mounts...


That's great! I haven't gotten around to adding my LED strip lights yet but I assumed the glare was going to be a problem.

Back to tackling things that grind my gears.

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The concept of these party lights is great. The end result, eh, not so much. When you're standing, they glare into your eyes and are very spotty.

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Came up with the idea to add diffuser lens to them.

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The diffuser lenses really help out. Make it seem all 1980's like! These lights are almost totally pointless, but not useless. The switch for them is on the inside of the rear doors. So when entering through the back, these are the only lights to turn on until you find your way to another light. Plus they really set the mood!


Finished up all the innappropriate barriers. Mounts that were made for the shower curtain double for the hot tub curtain. Yes, we have multiple curtains now.

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Built a frame out of some metal pipe. Welded studs that go into holes with two corner supports so the whole thing doesn't topple over.

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Another addition is some ground insulation. It's not much, but it does feel good under your butt.

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And on top of the water I cut some bubble insulation made to keep the heat in pools. This will stop heat loss through evaporation. The white tarp we're using as a privacy wall is 6' high and 30' around. Just held up with some ball bungees.

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And back on the road and the whole setup works great! Welded feet with holes for tent stakes to the bottom of the three vertical poles to keep them stable in the wind. What happens in the hot tub, stays in the hot tub...


Well, things were going great. But dang it, why can't we keep coolant inside this engine?!?

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Driving down the road, everything is going splendid. Then that smell. And then that white smoke. And then that coolant gauge! Pulled over immediately and found coolant leaking out between the block and the cylinder head. Not going to push this one. Found someone who was nice enough to lend a trailer and got the rig somewhere safe to work on.

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Good thing is that there is no coolant in the oil and no oil in the coolant. But really, why would the head gasket fail like this? Either I put the wrong head gasket in or installed it incorrectly. But these are only assumptions. Other than coolant leaking out, it runs great with no power loss. Ugh, will tear this apart and get to the bottom of it. Open to suggestions. At least we still have electricity and the hot tub works great!

Scotty D

Active member
Any idea how many miles you have put on this rig so far?
I cant wrap my head around how many problems you have had with this rig.
Does this have like half a million miles on it?


Almost 450k I think. Miles don't mean anything though. It's this stupid Cummins engine that is cursed. No matter what, she finds ways to spit coolant out.


This is what happens when u use a head gasket that’s not formed from J B Weld :(

hopefully you find an answer to the issue, and it’s a easy fix.

how are u still sane after everything this girl has thrown at you……


Oh, I have new things to fix with JB Weld, don't worry about that! No easy answer. This engine is a lemon. How am I still sane? Not sure, but patience is running thin, even though I love her so. Is this what being married is like?


Need a few more packages of JB Weld for this one!

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The head gasket is what it is. Not sure why it blew, but it definitely leaked coolant outside of the engine. Won't know why until I get cylinder head to a shop. But upon further inspection...

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C'mon, like what is that?!? Why? Pistons aren't supposed to be vented! JB Weld is going to be working extra hard to fix this one...

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