Custom Built Suzuki Samurai


Does anyone know of a good place to have a Suzuki Samurai custom built? I've heard of a number of places that custom build Land Rovers but haven't been able to find one for custom built Suzuki Samurai.


Kapitis Indagatoris
What are looking to have done? The newest Sammi (1994) in the US is now 26 years old so the amount of people that work on these things is getting smaller. Most competent 4wd garages/fabricators can easilywork on these things. good luck.


What are looking to have done? The newest Sammi (1994) in the US is now 26 years old so the amount of people that work on these things is getting smaller. Most competent 4wd garages/fabricators can easilywork on these things. good luck.
Looking to replace engine, transmission, differentials, axles, tires, suspension, add a lift and diff locks.


Kapitis Indagatoris
Looking to replace engine, transmission, differentials, axles, tires, suspension, add a lift and diff locks.

Sounds like a Yota Swap. Not sure where you are, but a lift and diff locks (sammi diff) can be done in your driveway. As for the swap(s), any good/high quality 4wd shop/garage in your area could do that. Sammis are very simple and basic machines. If you live in Colorado (Boulder area) I have the former owner of a Sammi Off-road company that does that stuff on the side. Good luck.


Sounds like a Yota Swap. Not sure where you are, but a lift and diff locks (sammi diff) can be done in your driveway. As for the swap(s), any good/high quality 4wd shop/garage in your area could do that. Sammis are very simple and basic machines. If you live in Colorado (Boulder area) I have the former owner of a Sammi Off-road company that does that stuff on the side. Good luck.
I live in California unfortunately.


New member
My Dad had one for over 20yrs - did most of the work himself but had a knowledgeable mechanic in Moab, UT. If that is geographically convenient for you lmk and I can get you the contact info.

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New member
my neighbor imports a lot of used Suzuki directly from Japan.. saw some weird vehicles park in his driveway before being loaded into the trailer. not sure what model though.


I know this is probably only good for comic relief,
but if you search youtube, you can find episodes of RoadKill where they put a 440ci big blog in a Suzuki Samurai..
Maybe get the creative possibilities goin'...


New member
I have a highly modified Samurai, and can appreciate what they can do. If you're near southern California, look up Petroworks. They are one of the most highly regarding companies and shops in the country who specializes in Suzukis. I happened to buy my Samurai from a guy who lived down the street from Petroworks (Fallbrook area near San Diego), and so my Samurai was originally built by them back 16+ years ago. I've since made additional changes. Petroworks probably has more experience doing engine swaps - typically the Sidekick or Tracker 1.6 liter 16 valve engine and getting it smog approved in California. I also swapped in a 1.6 into mine using Petroworks adapters, and it's a great swap. Petroworks can handle the complete build for you including engine swaps, lockers, transfer case gears, suspension, and so on. You can easily look them up and talk with them. While updating my Samurai over the last couple years, I got a lot of stuff through them, and they were a pleasure to work with.

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