Custom Cabin Filter


With summer wildfires being such a regular thing, I'm surprised proper cabin filtration hasn't been a topic of conversation.
We are pretty sensitive to pollution, between allergies and migraines, clean air has been more of a priority.
We currently travel with a household air purifier that can be moved from cab to camper.
We also pack legit air respirators, that we have used on occasion during transit.

It seems that for whatever reason, F-Series and Superduty trucks, until 2017 I believe haven't come factory equipped with a cabin filter of any kind.
Our 2011 Superduty is no exception. It also, for whatever reason, refuses to stay in recirculation mode, so I took the plunge to find a solution.

This weekend I dug into it. Bumper guard, headlamp, wiper cowls, antennae, fender liner, and fender removed.
See that small flat port below the upper inner fender support? That port connects to the inner wiper cowl.

So we air-tight block access to that area from the wiper cowl, and build a filter housing that connects to that port.




The basics mocked up....

And using this project to advance my lessons in all things TIG welding, so dont pay too much attention.
It might not be pretty, but its (should be) functional! :LOL:




I too have very sensitive allergies. This is a very well thought out cool project. How will the filters be changed? You can also cut your air box behind the glove box and slide in a Bosch hepa cabin filter.


I've seen reference to the air box mod, but nothing for this vintage Superduty (2011-2016)
If it exists, Id happily add more filtration ;) Any chance you have a link to info?

The passenger fender will receive an access panel for filter changes.
Considering cheap Jeep fuel door assemblies right now. I have one of these in the mail, should be here tomorrow.
Ill have to gut it, just after the door and flange. If it works out Ill paint it to match the truck.



Desert Dweller
Seems kinda pointless to me. Open the door or window and all your filtration is for naught.

When driving off-road I prefer to have windows open to appreciate the wilderness.


If you like to travel with windows open with this kind of air, by all means, go for it :rolleyes:
This has become a regular thing in the PNW it seems. I choose to breath clean air when I can.

Such a mod allows us to keep rolling, without the unhealthy exposure in wildfire areas.



I've seen reference to the air box mod, but nothing for this vintage Superduty (2011-2016)
If it exists, Id happily add more filtration ;) Any chance you have a link to info?

The passenger fender will receive an access panel for filter changes.
Considering cheap Jeep fuel door assemblies right now. I have one of these in the mail, should be here tomorrow.
Ill have to gut it, just after the door and flange. If it works out Ill paint it to match the truck.

I don’t have a link, I thought I saw one somewhere, maby it was not for ford trucks, I’ll look if I see it I’ll post it.


If you like to travel with windows open with this kind of air, by all means, go for it :rolleyes:
This has become a regular thing in the PNW it seems. I choose to breath clean air when I can.

Such a mod allows us to keep rolling, without the unhealthy exposure in wildfire areas.

Very valid point, I remember we had some smoke from western fires blow into our area, granted it was no where near as bad as what you live in. But it was nasty, definitely takes your breath away and not in a good sense.


Some more photos.

This particular truck has a large tray that the wiper cowl drains to, but primarily on the drivers side.
As you can see, the passenger side is covered. So it was a simple matter of sealing up the tray to cowl area.

Not wanting to make and permanent changes, I opted for nothing more than expanding foam,
then over-coated with Gaco-Roof, a silicone fluid applied coating that I happened to have on hand.

After the cowl area was sealed, up, I turned on the blower, blocked the vent going to the new filter housing, and snooped around for leaks.
A bit more spray foam, and everything is sealed up, so ALL incoming air must pass thru the filters. :cool:

Only thing left is the housing cover, then reassembly.





Very valid point, I remember we had some smoke from western fires blow into our area, granted it was no where near as bad as what you live in. But it was nasty, definitely takes your breath away and not in a good sense.

Yep, and lets make something clear.

This isn't a "weekend wheeler" mod. This is a full-timing mod.

I have similar plans for an air exchange unit for the camper.

Both of which are mods that protect us from exposure.
Much like insulation in a camper protecting you from the cold,
or a simple roof on your head to protect you from rain.


And lets not assume this is only a PNW issue. Until "seasonal" wildfires are a thing of the past, this effects everyone.
Its been bad enough that we pack, and use, N95 dust masks backpacking.

Most of us prepare for anything right? Well, fires are bad enough that we choose to prepare for bad air quality.
Not because we have to, but we choose to, in order to keep our adventures rolling... :cool:






:mad:Kinda ticks me off seeing azzholes pack their dogs down like they are mules, none look too happy, and as soon as they read this they will attempt to justify the weight and who knows what else they put on their dogs to carry.

Look at those freaking packs, full, what crap does your dog need? One water bottle and 18 oz of food for half a day, that would be "cute", but it's these "backpackers" taking animals out for GOD KNOWS HOW LONG, putting POUNDS in a pack full of crap they are too chicken to pack themselves.

DOGS aren't MULES!

Most crapheads who own a dog are totally ignorant of what the dog, is, can do, and how they should be humanely treated, just freaking ignorant.

Oh, but let's not forget the "COOL" effect of our trip with our dogs, where the HECK did you ever get the idea your dog was responsible to pack crap for YOUR hike?

YOUNG AND STUPID! Just because some business builds and sells large back packs for an animal doesn't mean they should have one strapped to them full of crap you're too lazy to carry!

Leave your freaking dogs at home if your hike is that long! A Lab is NOT a freaking PACK ANIMAL!

Anyone who has to wear a mask out in the open country side most likely doesn't have an elevator that goes to the top floor. :mad:

Wow, off your meds?

FYI, thats an 85# Plott hound with a 15# pack He can run with it on :LOL:

FYI, working dogs are good to roughly 25# of their weight.
So he is good for 20# easily.

Dont like it? I dont really care...

And here is another doggos in saddle bags photo for you, just to stir you up!
They are clearly hurting :rolleyes:


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