One other thing to consider is resale. If you have time to watch similar rigs in the market, you will likely find the gas versions are priced way low and stay on the market for much longer than their diesel counterparts.
A great point!
With that said a diesel upgrade in a Ram is around $8,000. Thats alot of travel money.
You can read opinions online all day until your blue in the face. Go drive the trucks and see what you like best. With that said, Ram over Ford any day. The Fords are running on 10+ year old chassis and motors (except the new 6.7L diesel). Rams are very new trucks underneath, that is why they are killing the competition in towing and payload. Massive frames, massive brakes and great engines. If your worried about a diesel check out the 6.4L Hemi in the big Rams. Its an awesome motor way ahead of anything Ford or Chevy has. Again their stuff is dated.
Go drive them!