Customs destroy illegally imported LR Defender


Expedition Leader
You guys are missing the message of the video. It says nothing about it being unsafe, it has been VIN swapped which is grossly illegal no matter how you look at it. It sucks to see it destroyed but really what is the government supposed to do? Dismantle and sell for parts... through what channels? At what cost? At what liability? Sell complete overseas? THen they are participating in an illegal act (selling a vehicle that has been VIN swapped) as well.

If this were a domestic Chevy pickup, or a Honda, or a Ferrari for that matter that was seized here in the US with a swapped VIN, the same thing would have happened.


Automotive ADHD is fun!
Is this the third or the fourth thread this week about this?

Pretty simple, people - the law said illegal imports would be crushed. People knowingly went around the law. If you knowingly break a law, you get to deal with the consequences. If you don't like the law, then get the law changed before you break the law.


Kodiak Buckaroo
How about Officer Friendly in the video stating "an illegally imported vehicle” instead of his “unsafe vehicle” , with maybe with a little less happiness


Customs Destroys an Unsafe Land Rover

We won't get into the issues that I have with Federal law enforcement. Suffice to say, I'm not a fan.

But, the absolute PRIDE that this young man has at destroying a Land Rover because it fails to meet some arbitrary rules of safety has to be seen to be believed.

Watch this video. Then go look around the parking lot of your local big box retailer. Then tell me that the roads are safer because this has been crushed into scrap.

Hell, they could've at least kept the tires for resale.

chris snell

How many times is this stupid video going to get posted? You only have to scroll down the page halfway to see it posted again. Did you really think that you were going to be the one to come and turn us onto this for the first time?


How many times is this stupid video going to get posted? You only have to scroll down the page halfway to see it posted again. Did you really think that you were going to be the one to come and turn us onto this for the first time?

a) I saw it'd been posted to YouTube on August 26 of this year.

b) I did scroll through the last week's of postings to see if it'd been posted. I didn't see it.

c) I did a search for "Customs destroys Land Rover" and nothing came up pertinent to this.

d) Thank you for a patronizing response that doesn't link back to the OP.

Not getting into a flame war over this. AMF.


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