D3/LR3 seat covers?


Since the D3 remains a work truck, she gets dirty. Not quite caked in mud dirty, but a lot of dust and grime, especially around the interior trim and seats. My leather is in good shape all around, but a few (~1cm) rips on the drivers seat side. I have the OEM from '06 LR seat covers in aspen fitted, the material is most similar to the old waterproof jackets that REI sold where the inside of the fabric was this bright plasticky, rubber, white, prior to when they started doing a lot more breathable stuff. I thought I would really really love the waterproof covers but aside from spilling some water from nalgenes on them it's not as if I am rolling in oil slicks or drinking red wine at the wheel... and they aren't as comfortable as the naked leather. I would rather just wash a few dirty seat covers once in a while.

B-side: I DISLIKE the color of these, Aspen has a purplish tinge to the grey/silver color. I thought it would grow on me but it has not. Green would have been ideal.


They also fit looser than I hoped, and I definitely won't be fitting the entire truck with them. Anyway, found a few brands that do decent work in canvas cotton,

Melvill and Moon
Escape Gear

Melvill and Moon I love from what I have seen, and exchange rates are good right about now. Escape gear same thing, the trim I like a bit less but honestly thats nit picking. Might try for a 7-seat set and a spare tire cover, but then comes down to color, sand or charcoal? My D3 interior is tan already, but both look nice. I am on the fence.

Thoughts? Would love to hear from anyone that is running good seat covers. Open to more brands, but if I am dropping more money on seat covers a second time I subscribe to the "buy-once, cry-once" mentality :)

Extra credit, WHERE do I find a canvas cover for the center console lid? Escape gear has only one or two photos of such a thing fitted, and zero mention of it being included with seat covers.
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Though likely not what you're looking for, I opted for a set of seat covers that were quick and very simple to install and remove. The reason being is that I wanted to use the covers while camping/offroading only and didn't want to spend an hour or even 30 mins taking something on and off. This set is very simple to install and remove and fit very nicely. The rears fit like an absolute glove where as the fronts are slightly loose fitting. now that I have kids, the rears stay on to keep the kid messes off the leather. Overall these are the perfect covers for the use case I was after:




Yeah, those would be even looser than what I currently run, and the amount of time I spend in the truck I'd like that glove-like fit ;)

Good for that purpose though, definitely quicker than fitting OEM covers.


He he he... already asked him :ylsmoke:

Still not sold on tan color BUT its an option if he's got the 7-seat covers
Melvill and Moon

I have a set of Melvill and Moon seat covers on the way from South Africa. The exchange rate is pretty damn good right now but shipping costs suck so it adds up quick but still much cheaper than any full set up from Escape Gear or the others.

I have a shipping process that is taking care of me through a friend in SA so I was able to get the front seat covers only with armrest covers in tan for $309usd which equals R4400 South African Rand. Also, the actual seat costs are only about $280 for fronts with armrests and I had another bit of currier cost which made it $309 USD total.

Build to ship time is roughly 20 days!

Contact Nicole at Melvill and Moon from the link below:


Full sets are more but again, shipping is what will kill you from South Africa. For me, it was worth it and still saved me hundreds compared to Escape Gear and other manufactures or distributors getting their markup.

I will surely put down a good update when I get them on quality, fitment, install procedures, etc... in the coming weeks. I did not order full back covers because I do not have kids, do not pull the seats up unless necessary and am removing the center seat for a fridge. the amount of time my rear seats are actually up is so minimul that I would never justify a cost to cover them. That's just my needs covered, yours might be different of course.

I have seen escape gear and M&M covers side by side, fitted in LR4 and IMO M&M fit better and appear better quality in testing and wear. This is only my opinion and that of known users of both products that I know. With that said, I do not believe you could go wrong with either company as they are both really really nice kit.

Also, I went tan because my interior is tan. The Charcoal is not Black so it does not match any factory interior anyway. Also, charcoal will fade to almost a grey color over time with sun and washing where the tan just gets a bit lighter. The downfall to tan is possible stains of course are much more visible but the cleaning from what I have heard is super easy and effective.

I'll keep you posted and if anyone has ordering questions, hit me up and I will help anyway I can.





Yes he has those posted here too, thoughts on tan versus their grey color?

I think tan would be the way to go vice grey. I would also have no qualms about the Wet Okles being thrown into the mix for consideration; I've been exceptionally happy with mine and their fit really makes them part of the truck. I've got canvas in Coyote and they are great for the duties that truck sees, but the wet okles in the D3 do a good job of protecting the seats while retaining the relative elegance of the truck.
Have you considered Wet Okole seat covers? They appear to be some of the nicer ones I've seen. Somebody wrote a review on them here... http://www.landroverworld.org/forums/showthread.php?t=13158

Wet Okole are super popular here in Hawaii. They are really nice quality and essentially like putting a wet suit on your seats. Fit is tight because they are flexible/stretchy. A bit warm since they do not seem to breath too well and can easily be torn just like a wet suit. Overall, very popular here in beach/wet/tropic environments.

I have many friends who have them in Jeeps, Tacomas and F150s. They do not serve MY overall needs for super durable material like a canvas cover would in an overland vehicle and that is the only reason I have not went that route.

I personally think they are a great product for everyday use!


DiscoDavis, if you want to check out some Wet Okles Nich as them on his RRC. I haven't spent more than a few minutes in them but they do fit very well.

Colin Hughes

I've got a set of canvas waterproof covers from Exmoor Trim. They are a bit pricey but my friend has an account with Allmakes so buying them at cost made it more manageable. Definitely a tight fit and not something you want to be taking on and off. seat covers.jpg
Melville and Moon in South Africa. Wow! Better than anything I have seen pictured here.
For the retro safari look, Jackal berry in Olive canvas. Amazing look to both manufacturers.
Melville and Moon in South Africa. Wow! Better than anything I have seen pictured here.
For the retro safari look, Jackal berry in Olive canvas. Amazing look to both manufacturers.

That was my feeling too after I saw Melvill and Moons and the customer service is awesome too. I just heard from Nicole a few minutes ago and my covers are in QC getting inspected and will ship to JoBurg this afternoon. I should have them in a few weeks I'm hoping...stoked.

I'll provide full experience details once installed. I will say there are many great covers out there, I was just sold and kind of just stuck with M&M once I saw them up close.


Thank you folks for the suggestions! The Wet Okies are nice, just not what I'd want in a daily-driver. I think I had my heart set on M&M very early on, but really had to find out a few details. Eric here will have a set in khaki, I am shooting for the charcoal color. He's been very helpful in outlining the process and answering questions. Keep an eye out for when he gets his, I assume mine will be a while in arriving.

If the product is at all a reflection of their staff and customer service, I will be very pleased. Email response was next day and I called Nicole in Port Elizabeth this morning to confirm a few things. Lovely people to deal with :)
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