Dana Designs backpack help


Expedition Leader
What I'm looking for is a Dana Designs Astroplane Arcflex hip belt (a terraplane will also work) in medium or large. A puppy got to this bombproof pack a few years ago and I'm trying to bring it back to its glory for some summer trips. I know that Dana packs came with belt and harness options at the shops. I'm hoping that someone has one kicking around collecting dust. I have tried calling Marmot/K2 the company the purchased Dana Designs with no luck as the Astroplane went through some changes since they re-bagged it under K2 then Marmot. I did try Mystery Ranch to see if I could rig up one of their belt into this pack; this was also a dead end. Any help from the Expo collective would be appreciated. :camping:


Is this the style you are looking for? Its a size medium, off a terraplane.




Dana Designs packs are awesome. I'm surprised Mystery Ranch didn't help you out, I got to visit their factory over the summer and they were the most helpful batch of people I have met, awesome shop too. I saw a few shelves of old Dana Designs stuff in the back, they must have just not had what you wanted. Their new stuff is every bit as awesome as Dana used to be though.


Expedition Leader
Thanks Coax for getting that out. I have some trips planned this summer in the Chugach. Crow Pass, Johnson Pass and maybe a Denali block trip.

Slus, Mystery Ranch customer service was very helpful but they just could not dig up a med or large for that pack. I have three Dana packs and one tent. They were so over built I have yet to buy any Mystery Ranch packs. That may change this summer. I'm looking to retire my Dana Bombpack from backcountry skiing duties and get the new Mystery Ranch Black Jack with the avalanche airbag system. :drool: :snorkel:


New member
I hear you on buying bombproof gear. Dana was an awesome brand when I was backpacking a lot. I bought a couple Gregory packs 15+ years ago and have yet to tear them up. It's tough justifying buying new gear when you still have the old stuff in great shape.

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