Das Bus


Thanks! That's one of the main reason for building this rig. I like getting to places that are fairly remote, but I also like sleeping on a nice mattress:)


Der Chef der Fahrzeuge
You're getting out and using it, which is more than most of us(me at least). Awesome! Keep the pics coming...


Took it out to Death Valley for a trial run. Got all the way out there, and the pump on my Aquacube hot water heater didn't work. Pump never turned on. Other than that, it went pretty well. I need to bolt down my kitchen area better, as it shook pretty good on rough roads.

Sunrise didn't pan out, but about an hour later things got pretty good. Had good clouds all day.




So I'm basically done with the interior for the time being. I had plans to finish it out more, but I don't really have the time to do that, and do a few more trips before my busy season of work picks up, so that will have to hold off for awhile. The seat covers I bought online suck, and I plan on installing heated seat pads under the covers, but I might have to do something more custom it looks like. I can fully enclose the bed with some quilted material. Between that and a heated mattress pad I'm hoping we stay plenty warm. My trip to California was actually disappointing weather wise because the low was 53 that evening, so a simple blanket was plenty to stay warm.

My stove and skillet are stored on the top shelf. I'm trying to decide if it's worth forking over the absurd money for the custom slide for the fridge. Probably not for the time being. My generator is sitting next to the fridge currently, but I'd like to get a new bumper and box installed out box and move it there permanently.

Power outlet and charging box. Dishes, headlamps, and chargers are stored up on the shelf. Propane heater is stored inside the near box of the kitchen, along with all the power hook ups.

Bikes/snowboards down below. Gear bags and clothes on the fold up shelves. Random camp stuff on the bottom of the permanent shelves, and camera equipment on the middle shelves.


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