Davidshourd's Frontier Build

mike r

sad days, but I am putting my FWC up for sale. I have a post up in the gear exchange on expo and over at wanderthewest.com. if anyone is interested go and check it out. great camper, just going change the set up to something lighter and takes up less space when not in use. cheers, here is to new adventures with another set up!

Did you ever sell it?


I contacted him, and it's sold.

true, it sold to a fellow expo member who came up from AZ couple weeks ago. sad to see it go but it looked damn good on his tacoma as he drove off. used the money and got my girl into a 01' Pathfinder w/ 87k miles. LE fully loaded. a steal of a buy and completely stoked about this thing. 3.5 liter, leather, nav system, flip down mid TV with VHS player (yes VHS! ha) and 6 CD player. only faults I have found so far is the front drivers seat forward and backward motor seams to be burnt out. and the shocks/struts need to be replaced. looking for a 1.5" lift kit and some 31x10.5s here this spring so I am going to hold out on replacing them for now.


View attachment 98711IMAG1060.jpgIMAG1061.jpgInstalled a dual battery set up a couple weekends ago after my optima red top failed me leaving my truck in 4lo for about 40 miles of gravel road. turns out (05' plus xterras and frontiers) get "stuck" in 4lo if the battery runs dead while in 4lo. now apperently there is an easy sequence to get out of this, but it was not working that evening! long story short this insipired me to go for a dual battery set up. the set up runs a warn battery isolator to keep the "stand by" battery charged but isolated from the system. I then installed a swith that goes to a high amp relay (made by Warn as well) that when the switch is pressed it basicly connects stand by battery directly to primary battery. I have several pictures and a wiring schematic I had some electricians at work help me out with. I turned the optima red top into the stand by, and got a new "X2 power" from batteries plus for the primary battery. the X2 battery is a AGM with some impressive stats, we will see. apperently the X2 battery is formed from some ex-optima engineers. stand by battery is run in a sealed battery box behind the drivers seat, power cables run through in the cab under the carpet in cable chases. sealed and protected. also allows me to connect the two batteries by a flip of a switch when running the winch and reduce the draw on a single battery.

isolator: http://www.warn.com/truck/accessories/battery_isolator.shtml

power interrupter: http://www.amazon.com/WARN-62132-Po...utomotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1335836909&sr=1-1-fkmr0


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been awhile since my last post. I have been busy collecting parts for my titan swap kit. just finished it up yesterday. here are a couple driveway shots. hoepfully some action shots this weekend! ended up getting another 3" of lift out of the front with days of travel left up and down! probably about 4 or 5 inches over stock, sitting at about 41.5" to bot of fender or 16" from groun to bottom of skid plate clear! ride is way smoother over the radflos and the radflos were a huge improvement over stock!


couple shots from this past weekend out exploring around diamond peak, summit lake and bohemia mine area here in oregon. testing out the new suspension. these front coils are like butter on the bumpy roads, may cause a person to go faster then needed....just saying.



Nice pics, David. Man, that's some beautiful country. We're certainly blessed out here!
Congrats on finishing up the T swap. Trucks looking tough.
Roll on, brother. Peace.


Good day, Sir. Couple quick questions.

Was it the noonday trail you took up to bohemia mines?
If so, was the winch required? Can it be run solo (no winch)?

Also, I didn't see in the thread where your CB antenna is mounted.
Which one do you use, where did you mount it and how is the rx/tx quality?

I guess that's more than a couple:) Thanks, man!
Peace, ~Ben


Good day, Sir. Couple quick questions.

Was it the noonday trail you took up to bohemia mines?
If so, was the winch required? Can it be run solo (no winch)?

Also, I didn't see in the thread where your CB antenna is mounted.
Which one do you use, where did you mount it and how is the rx/tx quality?

I guess that's more than a couple:) Thanks, man!
Peace, ~Ben

no need for a winch on noonday trail, its more narrow with big rollars than anything. be prepaired for that fun sound of trees running down the side of the paint.

my CB antenna is just one of those magnetic ones that I slap up on the roof when I need it. usualy I just leave the mageat base up there and unscrew the antenna. works pretty well. usualy get a couple miles range with my buddy on windy hilly roads. seems to really depend on terrain, but good enough for what I use it for.

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