Yes it will if the source isn't putting out a high enough voltage, which is very common with stock alts running hot,
or if a long run makes fat enough wiring impractical,
bottom line, it all depends on the individual situation.
I have been sitting on the sidelines for more than a week watching this conversation. By now, it's time to wade in here into the conversations about the potential benefits/drawbacks of dc-to-dc chargers.
I know my comments are going to offend some people but that is not my intention. I don't know how to share knowledge without creating some contradictions for some folk's opinions and or understandings... Anyway so here goes...
So, John, if the alternator is too hot and too old and tired, and thus cannot charge the secondary battery sufficiently, how is it possibly going to charge the primary battery for all the demands put up on it by the automobile plus the demands of having the DC DC charger use the primary battery as a source for its charging power to the secondary battery. And remember, we cannot create energy, we can only change it from one form to another and we will always create some waste and inefficiency as a result thereby yielding less total energy to apply to the solution then we started with...
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