DC Fun Country IIs Review


Appalachian Ridgerunner
After 43,000 miles of pavement, mud, gravel, sand, shale and sandstone rocks it's time for a tire review. In October '04 the Dodge was shod with Pro Comp MTs and after only 30,000 miles they where no longer viable to serve in a NW PA winter, siping was gone and the tread would pass inspection but barely. I decide to try the ******** Cepek Fun Country IIs to replace the MTs based on the fact that were very similar to the old but good Anderson Tru-Traks that where the off road tire back in the day.
The FC IIs are a more aggresive tread than most ATs and have preformed great through out their service. They were very round when I had them mounted and handled very well on the highway. Noise level when new was limited to a slight whirl, but got more pronounced as the treads wore. The sidewalls are load level D and handled towing duty very well with no felt squirm. Preformance in dirt, soil, and gravel are excellent, much better than the BFG ATs I use to run. They do good in black mud, but are only fair in clay or muck. They're no Mud runner, but they've never left me stuck in the gumbo, you just need more wheel speed to clear 'em. They air down nicely with a good bulge; I normally run around 15 lbs when on the trail and they've done well at that pressure. They stick great to the local sand stone and aggerate rocks in our neck of the woods and excel in the sand. They have been well worth the investment IMO and are a great coice for an all around rig that is used for multitude of purposes.

I liked them so much I just bought another set, 33x12.5x17s. Pricing for this size is around $209 from the majors. I bought this set of a guy that bought them and then decided he wanted a bigger tire with his new lift. Brand new, unmounted with the stickers still on them for $450. I'll hold of mounting them for a bit,I think I can get 50000 miles out of the old set, though they could have been cared for better.

Here's a couple of photos; last is tread depth on the old set.


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Tim and Kelsey get lost..
I was a doubter, but after seeing these on my friends full size dodge I was okay with them. When that same friend started using them on his trophy truck, 650 HP 37's flying through the desert I was really impressed. He gets far more flats than the purpose built tires, but it proved to me that this tire would work great in a "normal use" application if it can stand up to that abuse ever for a little while. :arabia:

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