DC Taco Drawer System build...


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Kermit said:

Did you ever think of mounting the compressor and the H2O pump under the truck? Would free up some space.

I worry about them get getting ripped off by rocks... The compressor I would worry about a $400 being that exposed. Since I do not have anti-lock brakes I have thought about using the engine compartment, but think it is better left not exposed. I am thinking about placing the air tank under the truck... but need to figure out the aux fuel tank first. Either way, both pumps will be mounted so that they can be moved.


flyingwil said:
I worry about them get getting ripped off by rocks... The compressor I would worry about a $400 being that exposed.
Ahh...I hear you there. I always wanted to sink some metal boxes through the bed floor. So I could use the wasted space under the bed, but still have whatever it is in those boxes protected. Like a trunk in the Honda Ridgeline. You could use some of the smaller ammo cans, and drop them through the floor and weld them to the bed floor.

I also thought of cutting some cubby holes in the side of the bed, like the 4Runners have.
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