Expedition historian
Day 10 continued - now for the trains
We were just north of Bishop and being lunchtime, we headed into town to find Las Palmas Restaurant for a pitcher of margaritas and a selection of tasty Mexican dishes. Having had our fill, we wanted to take in the Laws Railroad Museum and Historic Site. We had just a couple hours before closing to walk through the old-time town and relics from times past.

One of the first buildings we wandered through was a set built for a Steve McQueen movie, Nevada Smith. Also notable was the narrow gauge railroad engine turntable. With just 4 men, an engine could be turned from one track to another. My favorite display was the Borax 20 mule wagon, a recreation of the real thing, impressive in size. The mule wagon was instrumental in hauling borax from the valley to a shipping point in Mojave, a several day’s journey. We found with the desert heat, a couple of hours wandering the outdoor museum was plenty of time. We headed back to Bishop for provisions and fuel

and then made our way to camp, picking a spot just north of Big Pine off CA-168 on White Mountain Road. We feasted on salad and taquitos compliments of Frenchie. We were at 8400’ elevation and the cold mountain air promised a good night’s rest for us all. Another clear, cloudless night with a star filled sky ended our day. 70 miles
We were just north of Bishop and being lunchtime, we headed into town to find Las Palmas Restaurant for a pitcher of margaritas and a selection of tasty Mexican dishes. Having had our fill, we wanted to take in the Laws Railroad Museum and Historic Site. We had just a couple hours before closing to walk through the old-time town and relics from times past.

One of the first buildings we wandered through was a set built for a Steve McQueen movie, Nevada Smith. Also notable was the narrow gauge railroad engine turntable. With just 4 men, an engine could be turned from one track to another. My favorite display was the Borax 20 mule wagon, a recreation of the real thing, impressive in size. The mule wagon was instrumental in hauling borax from the valley to a shipping point in Mojave, a several day’s journey. We found with the desert heat, a couple of hours wandering the outdoor museum was plenty of time. We headed back to Bishop for provisions and fuel

and then made our way to camp, picking a spot just north of Big Pine off CA-168 on White Mountain Road. We feasted on salad and taquitos compliments of Frenchie. We were at 8400’ elevation and the cold mountain air promised a good night’s rest for us all. Another clear, cloudless night with a star filled sky ended our day. 70 miles