Going to LED is nice and far less than $200. However a battery in resonate shape should be able to keep the stock lights going for hours with no worries.
I do carry one of the little lithium jumpers -really amazing the power to weight and they can start multiple rigs on a single charge.
As for dual batteries, I don't find it necessary. People seem to think it's a requirement or status symbol, like having that rack loaded to the sky with gear. I get by just fine on a single group 31 AGM battery even with a fridge and hot weather. I've never run the battery down or been unable to start the truck in the morning.
Now if you stay camped in one place for a long time without going anywhere there's some value in a second battery. Though in that case I'd probably look at solar first.
I do carry one of the little lithium jumpers -really amazing the power to weight and they can start multiple rigs on a single charge.
As for dual batteries, I don't find it necessary. People seem to think it's a requirement or status symbol, like having that rack loaded to the sky with gear. I get by just fine on a single group 31 AGM battery even with a fridge and hot weather. I've never run the battery down or been unable to start the truck in the morning.
Now if you stay camped in one place for a long time without going anywhere there's some value in a second battery. Though in that case I'd probably look at solar first.