Ok. I'm satisfied with the BFG KO2 3pms/ m+s load range c, 33 inch on 17 in rims.
Granted I've been Mostly on highway and country back roads, but we have had a few snows here in the Northeast since I last chimed in. Furthermore, this last storm, which is ongoing since yesterday late afternoon/ evening, has been 6 to 8 inches of snow that turned to sleet and freezing rain. Temps down to 20's and teens. I've driven on these in -15°F. Today the temps rose enough (30 w rain) that it straight out rained for a bit, to make a nasty slush on the highway. Really tough for the plows and salters to keep clean, which, after sundown, then froze again, temps 20's and low teens. Then it started snowing big flakes and we got some serious wind that blew the newer, fluffy snow across the road and made visibility very poor. Drove probably 100 miles. Every weather but warm sun in the last 2 days.
At no point did I ever feel out of control with the BFG KO2'S. Sure, I twisted the knob eventually to put the GMC Sierra into "auto" which is like AWD. But I never had to put it in 4wd, and I knew that if I had to, I could have even slowed down a bit and stayed in 2wd and been fine, because I didnt move to 4hi for a good while. Just a precaution.
Really can't say anything bad about these, except I need an alignment and I'm losing a mph or 2 compared to street Yokohamas on aluminum18's. The 17 inch steelies are heavier rims, and the larger AT load range C are heavier tires with a more aggressive tread than the Yoko streets.
Aside from that, I have no complaints about these tires in any weather.
Hope that non-scientific report helps someone