Frederick and Josephine!
Legendary! Epic!
As we would say in the U.S.; Un-be-LIEVE-able!
I too am a EP lurker who just HAD to register so I could post a message. Do not worry about the spelling, it is the spirit...the style that matters. And that you have plenty of! The best musicians are not always the best technically - but they have the soul and that comes across. Excellent story!
I have had many 4-wheelers including a 1941 Willys with a Buick V-6 and Dana 44 axles and a 1978 FJ40 with a Ford 460 big block and Currie 9" axles with Detroit Lockers front and rear:
There is NO WAY any of my vehicles would have made it through that country without breaking something. I look at your pictures and I think, "Even a MOG wouldn't survive that". (Well, okay...a MOG might...)
On The Rubicon Trail in my FJ40 I broke a rear axle, then a front axle, and THEN blew up the transfer case. And that was only over a 12 mile (20km) trail. And I thought
I had it rough! Hahaha. When I read a story such as this, I am awed and amazed...and humbled.
Bravo! I've never met either of you, but I'm proud of you. I am very proud of Josephine (okay, you too...but her more). After all...
I can certainly understand why she would have an upset stomach on that trip.
Write it down. Make a book on good paper and get a good bindery to wrap it in leather. Even if you never publish it, the children and grandchildren will show it off proudly!
Now I have to go to your web site and read about the rest of the trip. Cheers!
Looking at your truck, it is easy to see why so many African-bound expedition vehicles are wrapped top to bottom, front to back in bull bars!
And BTW, if you look around, you can find a PTO winch for a TLC:
(scroll down to the big picture)
I had one and I loved it! You can putt-putt the engine and slowly creep up ANY hill (if you have something to anchor to of course). And the new synthetic ropes make winching sooooo much easier:
That, at least for me, is essential for a serious TLC. (Plus a spare drive shaft (prop shaft to you) - I seem to bend a lot of drive shafts.)