How is that in any way not constructive to the trip report?
Allow me to add the perspective of the author a trip report.
Writing a trip report like this is a lot of work. I dare not count the hours I spent on it. Like most people here I have a huge list of things I want to do, but only so much time to do it in. Yet I chose to spent some of my valuable (to me) time in writing the trip report. I do not get paid for it. I am not obliged to do this. The only reason I do this is out of passion for the travelling, and the will to share this passion with others. It actually costs me money too, the bandwith of all these pictures is not for free you know.
I do not expect anything in return for this. I do not expect a thank you. Ofcourse, positive comments are nice to receive and it will motivate me to post more trip reports. Snotty remarks will make me think twice before I post another report. Or will change the way I write my reports (in a defensive way instead of an open and honest way).
I know quite a few travellers out there. They have stories to tell that would make my little trip report look pretty boring. But they do not share them on the Expedition Portal. Partly because they are not so Internet minded like I am. But mostly because they know they will have to deal with all the silly remarks and questions. They fear that they either have to endure the remarks and get branded or spent A LOT of time trying to explain everthing they do. These people have better things to do... so they do not bother with it. Our loss!
The thing is, these people are usually willing to share their stories. And Expedition Portal would be a great site to do it on. It has everything it needs: a huge userbase (audience), great knowledgable and interested people, ... .
ADVrider is a nice example where a constant trickle of extremely interesting trip reports. Some time ago MetalJockey posted one of his epic trip reports where he took his little kid on the back of the bike. The first thing that crossed my mind was that he was going to get a lot of comments on taking a kid on the back of a dirt bike with minimal protection. Sure enough, remarks came in, but they were extremely civilised and contained no judgements (and the others were moderated out). Things like:
"What are your experience with taking a kid on a trip like this?"
That is a very different question then (for example):
"I don't understand this. I would never take my kid like that. Don't you see it's dangerous? There are so many other ways to travel with your kids, so why did you do it this way?"
Spot the difference? The first will probably get you an answer. The latter will annoy the author, push him into the defence and he will certainly think again before sharing something with you again. With you, and the community you are part of. You might not get all the information you want out of a trip report, but if an author of a trip report feels appreciation, you have a much bigger chance he will eventually check out the technical forums as well and contribute there. Short term vs. long term thinking.
Does that mean you are not entitled to voice your opinion? That you cannot question what has happened? Ofcourse not, but do not forget everything you say - and how you say - has consequences.
Do not take this personally RMPO, I am convinced you have nothing but good intentions. I just make use of the opportunity to make a general point. Why don't we make this Trip Report section of the forum a nice and welcome place for authors of trip reports? We would all benefit from it.