Ok so here is the story, I am accustomed to having selectable lockers on a Rubicon, however I sold the Rubi and I am now driving a XJ with a Dana 30 front, Chrysler 8.25 rear axle, both currently open. I am planning on adding a Tera 231 HD T case to get a slower crawl ratio(4:1), but I am also looking at adding some sort of traction device, locker, LSD, etc.. I don't really want a FULL TIME locker, as the Jeep sees a lot of pavement driving to and from the trail as well as snow driving duty in the winter. There also doesn't seam to be a lot of selectable choices for the 8.25, ARB only. I am currently running 31" tires on the Jeep, and I am considering the Detroit Tru Trac's for both front and rear axle. From what I have read, on road they are 99.9% invisible, and are great in snow, ice, etc, off road they don't offer all the traction of a full locker but do quite well. They are also priced better than doing ARB's both front and rear.
So anyone here have Tru Trac experience?
So anyone here have Tru Trac experience?