did I forget any "must have" option? Midwest 2020 custom F350 gasser.


Active member
I would say it is definitely worth it to hold off and test drive both motors but it is your money and this is only a suggestion. Again, look forward to what you choose and how you build it.

well... I can't think of how I would test drive a pickup with 3,000 lbs in the back - especially as I dont have the camper yet.... ;-) and as the max torque #'s and max HP #'s arent massively different between the 2 engines... I still think I'll be ok. ;-) thanks tho.


Active member
I know more than a few "trusted mechanics" that are idiots. Especially independent shop guys that don't know anything about what hasn't been released by the manufacturers.

You will regret the 6.2 over the 7.3 (just like 5 of us told you in the other thread).

40hp and 40 lbft cannot be faked. A 6.2 would take more than 2k in mods to hit those numbers.

And I have a 6.8 v10 in mine

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Thanks for sharing your opinions.


ignore button user
The chassis won't have any trouble carrying the weight. I hope you are as happy as can be. There is a big difference however your 6.2 will be maxed out and the 7.3 won't be working nearly as hard. It is more about how and where the power is made vs just peak numbers altho I would disagree there is a quiet a bit of difference and the more weight the more it will be felt. Empty the 6.2 probably feels fine but 3000lbs is adding onto an already heavy truck. Just because the truck can handle the weight does not mean...aw forget it. good luck and enjoy your new truck. I also have to remember it is really easy to spend someone else money which I often forget.
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The chassis won't have any trouble carrying the weight. I hope you are as happy as can be. There is a big difference however your 6.2 will be maxed out and the 7.3 won't be working nearly as hard. It is more about how and where the power is made vs just peak numbers altho I would disagree there is a quiet a bit of difference and the more weight the more it will be felt. Empty the 6.2 probably feels fine but 3000lbs is adding onto an already heavy truck. Just because the truck can handle the weight does not mean...aw forget it. good luck and enjoy your new truck. I also have to remember it is really easy to spend someone else money which I often forget.
Dude's dropping 70k on a custom ordered truck and opts for the little motor.

Obviously we don't know what we're talking about.

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Well-known member
Have people chiming in on this new motor test driven the 7.3 already?

What power trains and vehicles have people been driving where a 6.2 in the aluminium super duty is "under powered"?? (And I mean gassers, not diesel)

And while hauling a towing are different things, guys with NA gasser V8S in 150/1500 series trucks boast about towing 9000+ lbs all day, a 1 ton is going to be bagged and struggle with 3000lb in the bed, not towing a thing???

Hell I drove my 3.7 cyclone around for 4 years with #1500 in the truck every day, towing #2000+ at the same time.

End of the day, the 7.3 is new. It will probably be solid, but we don't know.
6.2 has been around the block.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Another vote here to consider the 7.3. If you ever need to sell the truck back for any reason, you will get more money and sell it easier with the newer engine (unless it's a flop, but that's unlikely). If I were to custom order a truck of this price, I would wait and at least try both.


Get the wheel liner and be done with it. Trying to save $50 on a $70k truck is silly.

The 6.2 will serve you just fine. It’s been tested and proven. No towing, 3k in the bed. Zero issues with the 6.2.
But...if I were buying, I’d go with the 7.3 no doubt, along with the Tremor package. Done.


Active member
Dude's dropping 70k on a custom ordered truck and opts for the little motor.

Obviously we don't know what we're talking about.

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Hey Garrett - I got the message. I now know what engine you would buy, Got it.

No need to be insulting and rude.

Do you have the ability to share your opinion and thoughts here, without being insulting and rude? Just curious. Seems that almost everyone else here is nice, and helpful.


You've literally started 20 threads asking about this truck that you've yet to order and appear to ignore a substantial amount of solid advice in each of them.

You do you booboo

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Active member
You've literally started 20 threads asking about this truck that you've yet to order and appear to ignore a substantial amount of solid advice in each of them.

You do you booboo

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Garrett a,k,a, CodyY,

Ok against all better judgement - I’ll reply. You seem to want to continue to be rude.

No, I have NOT started “literally 20” threads about Ford trucks and engines. That is false.

You said “appear to ignore a substantial amount of solid advice in each of them.”

No, I am not. This is also false. See below:

Many, many people (that seemingly have experience with these things) have advised me to NOT buy the first year of a new engine.
So I should NOT buy the 7.3 L gasser.

Here is what they said. I am quoting their comments directly encouraging ME to NOT get the new 7.3 gas engine, and also that the 6.2 will be totally fine with my load.

First opinion about my maybe buying the new 7.3 gasser that was directed to me:

“That’s exactly my thoughts, I’d be hesitant to be one if the “guinea pigs” of an all-new design, and I’m more than 100% sure the 6.2 has plenty of power because for decades I carried a lot more with less. It’s stronger than my diesel was when it was stock.
Payload won’t be an issue for you, an F350 isn’t and hasn’t been built that won’t easily carry that camper regardless of what the so-called “rating” is.”

and someone else said:
“As already mentioned, the 6.2 is a proven motor so probably the better choice. Ford engineers have a history of not getting everything right for the first couple of years with their engines, spark plug spitting V10s come to mind.”

and also:
“Don't buy new models from first year of production.
New design engine and new design transmission. What could go wrong?”

and someone said, in reference to the first year of a previous Ford engine:
“Spark plugs were being spit out as in stripping threads. A lot of helicoil repairs and head work.”

yet another vote to not buy the 7.3
“Sadly, first year American anything tends to be a rolling test-mule intended to finalize the ‘rush to market’ R&D process...This is why warranty claims (except for recalls and emissions) are at SOLE discretion of the manufacturer, and why ‘punt to arbitration’ Lemon Laws were written by manufactures. JM seasoned experience ($$)…”

A different person said to me:
“We aren't pulling a giant 5th wheel here. Our truck and camper loaded comes in at only 13,700 pounds.
Our personal experience with the 6.2 and the 6 speed transmission carrying an AF1150 is that we could climb any mountain pass (for example Beartooth or Big Horns in Wyoming) at will and descend without using the brake. They engines may make less power at these altitudes but for a truck camper there is ample power reserve.”

Yet one more person told me this:
“you will be perfectly happy with the tried and true 6.2. I have a GMC 3500 dually with the tried and true 6 liter gasser, it carries and handles my AF 990 nicely.”

and a different person told me:
“We have 2015 F 250 CC Short Bed with 6.2L and 6 speed. We two a 12,000lb fifth wheel. I don't think you need the larger engine for your current application.”

Yet another vote to stay with the 6.2 gasser:
“Tried and true is the key, just like the old 460 they never should have replaced after like 30 years..No doubt,the new 7.3 gasser is going to be the engine to have a few years from now, after they work out all the bugs that a new engine has, but until then,I would stick with there popular 6.2 gasser..”

And another vote of confidence for the 6.2:
“I’ll tell you that my 6.2L F-350 4x4 with it’s big Tiger fully self contained camper body is pretty good at hauling azz up over the western Rockies on our extended trips each summer. No complaints with it at all.”

So there you go. 10 different people telling me that i will be totally fine with the tried and true 6.2, gas engine, and to NOT get the new 7.3 gas engine.

So how is it that I am the one with the problem here? :unsure:

Sure some say consider the 7.3, some say get the 7.3, and some say do not get the 7.3.

Now that I have presented TEN opinions of others to NOT get the 7.3, and that the 6.2 will be totally fine with my load…. I hope you back off.

If you continue to be rude and insult me… I would then be of the opinion that you are perhaps a very unhappy, (and possibly a very insecure person) and I truly hope that you do find happiness in life some day.

Happy people are not rude and insulting in the way that you have been to me.



First off, n00b, you can find posts under CodyY for the past two decades. Anywhere from 3wheelerworld.com to FerrariChat and most every make and model of car and bike in between. So, feel free to school me on forum etiquette. I'm sure the mods will zap this anyway.

Secondly, Garrett is my 5 year old son, my name is Cody. So when you address me, do so accordingly.

Now that's out of the way, pasting responses from your 20 "what should I buy for the truck I still cant decide to order" is unnecessary and I (and nobody else, either) will not read them. We dont care that much. Putting 3000 pounds in the bed of a truck is a lot of load. If you're scared of a first year motor, wait till 2021. Nobody on the open market has driven the 7.3 big block yet, so for someone to give you 5th hand drivel about "it's the same as xyz" is utter nonsense.

Oh, and yes, in less than a year, you have started 20 threads all about the same "build". See screenshot below. Dont worry, it only took me a sec, my phone has a nifty feature for such things.

Also, your screen name is lame. You must be a California politician, hung up on $50 floormats and wheel liners, but wont listen to what anybody says with practical knowledge of hauling heavy loads. Obviously this is your first. If you'd had a big truck and a huge slide-in, you'd know exactly what to order based on your own experience. There is a reason people with the huge azz slide-in campers consistently use 1ton diesel duallys to haul them. Because that's what works best. A 6.2 gas motor WILL haul 3k lbs easily. It WILL NOT easily haul 3000lbs when its 7 feet wide and 12 feet tall.

The difference in my 5.3 Chevy and 6.8 v10 Ford isn't much on paper. But when I hook up a 24 foot gooseneck and throw a 5000lb tractor on the back, the difference is substantial.


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Active member
Since you are being so disrespectful to me and calling me names such as nOOb why should I show YOU any respect?

And just because i likely won’t buy a new 7.3 gas engine why have you picked a fight with me? Why do you care so much what I buy?

your posts here on this thread are angry, petty and immature in my opinion.

if name calling and being rude makes you happy I am sorry for you.

Oh and just because I am not taking YOUR advice somehow that equals that I “wont listen to what anybody says with practical knowledge of hauling heavy loads.”

Oh right - the 10 people I quoted above know nothing. My trusted mechanic knows nothing. I know nothing. Only YOU know the truth.
Right. Of course.

First off, n00b, you can find posts under CodyY for the past two decades. Anywhere from 3wheelerworld.com to FerrariChat and most every make and model of car and bike in between. So, feel free to school me on forum etiquette. I'm sure the mods will zap this anyway.

Secondly, Garrett is my 5 year old son, my name is Cody. So when you address me, do so accordingly.

Now that's out of the way, pasting responses from your 20 "what should I buy for the truck I still cant decide to order" is unnecessary and I (and nobody else, either) will not read them. We dont care that much. Putting 3000 pounds in the bed of a truck is a lot of load. If you're scared of a first year motor, wait till 2021. Nobody on the open market has driven the 7.3 big block yet, so for someone to give you 5th hand drivel about "it's the same as xyz" is utter nonsense.

Oh, and yes, in less than a year, you have started 20 threads all about the same "build". See screenshot below. Dont worry, it only took me a sec, my phone has a nifty feature for such things.

Also, your screen name is lame. You must be a California politician, hung up on $50 floormats and wheel liners, but wont listen to what anybody says with practical knowledge of hauling heavy loads. Obviously this is your first. If you'd had a big truck and a huge slide-in, you'd know exactly what to order based on your own experience. There is a reason people with the huge azz slide-in campers consistently use 1ton diesel duallys to haul them. Because that's what works best. A 6.2 gas motor WILL haul 3k lbs easily. It WILL NOT easily haul 3000lbs when its 7 feet wide and 12 feet tall.

The difference in my 5.3 Chevy and 6.8 v10 Ford isn't much on paper. But when I hook up a 24 foot gooseneck and throw a 5000lb tractor on the back, the difference is substantial.


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Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
Fellow overlanders-
The behavior here has several moderators polishing their ban hammers. This type of exchange does not follow the spirit of our terms of use with which you agreed when you signed up to participate.
So, I’m allowing a warning shot over the bow.

Play nice gentlemen

Keep calm and carry on.

Happy trails



Fellow overlanders-
The behavior here has several moderators polishing their ban hammers. This type of exchange does not follow the spirit of our terms of use with which you agreed when you signed up to participate.
So, I’m allowing a warning shot over the bow.

Play nice gentlemen

Keep calm and carry on.

Happy trails

Oh I'm done, after he decided to talk about my kids, he was promptly blocked and ignored.

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