Scott Brady
As I prepare for our expeditions this year and next, which will include Barranca del Cobre in March and six months in South and Central America in November, I am looking to fill a few camera requirements. For HDV, we are trying to swing a Red One with it's 35mm cinema sensor, but for digital still capture, these are our thoughts:
1. DSLR- 12mp EOS 5D, with my series of L glass. (will purchase in the next few weeks)
2. D-Lux 3- 10mp, back-up camera, or when we want to appear more discrete or like a "tourist" (already own and use)
3. DIGILUX 3- This would be Stephanie's camera for the trips.
The DIGILUX 3 has several traits that will make for a good camera for Stephanie, including a very film camera feel. She was educated in traditional photography, with dials, manual exposures and darkroom development. Using the features of the DIGILUX will be familiar to her. The DIGILUX is also relatively compact and light, and favors the "run and gun" style of people and environment photography Steph prefers.
Do any of you use this camera, or are familiar with/tested it?
1. Has the body and lens proven durable and trouble-free?
2. Have you fitted any other 4/3 spec. lenses, like the 25mm 1.4?
3. Overall image and color quality in RAW (I am aware of the cameras .jpg limitations).
4. Would you buy the camera again if given the choice? If not, what other model would you consider (like the Canon G9, etc.)?
Thanks for any insight