Discovery 2 Baja Rack EXP owners... Hardware fit?

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Hi all,

I took receipt of a brand new rack yesterday, and now that the weather has cleared I set out to get it all mounted up. My issues is that it seems like the geometry on the clamps is a little off, like they could fit with some forcing but not really by design. I also have noticed that all of the pictures in my instruction sheet are of a Disco 1, and the title of the sheet is BR-LRD-EXP-SERIES-1-0. Do any of you know offhand if I've just received the wrong hardware kit or if the kits should be interchangable? I've fired an email off to Baja Rack, but figured I'd ask here too just in case anyone else is having the same problem this weekend.

New User Name



I talked to Baja Rack today and was told that the hardware kits are interchangeable. But, I'm still not impressed with the way the rack attaches. The clamps dont have much "depth" of reach under the rain gutter, and the front feet themselves are too wide to sit all the way down in the rain gutter. Rather, they sit on a lip just inside the gutter. Lastly, the clamp bolts arent long enough (or are barely long enough, depending on which you look at) to engage the nylon ring at the top of the lock nut. I thought that removing the plastic feet that cover the ends of the legs would help, and cleared removing them with the folks at Baja Rack, but it still isnt fixing the problems up front. I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow to better illustrate what I'm talking about.

The rack itself looks pretty good. The welds arent the prettiest I've ever seen, but I wouldnt care about that if the thing mounted up quickly and securely. I'm a pretty mechanically inclined guy, I used to repair electronics for a living and repair watches for fun, and so far I've spent about 4 hours fighting with this rack. Kinda disappointed.


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Doesn't sound like Baja in any regards- they normally fit quite well, and have some of the best customer service around...

New User Name

Update 2

Update 2:

After thinking on the problem for a while, I realized that if I carved the small inner lip out of the offending section of rain gutter I could probably get the feet all the way seated, so out came the chisels, and voila. I'd also like to apologize for the tone of my previous update, ever since I recieved two passenger side rock sliders from Terrafirma last year my patience has been a little short when it comes to aftermarket parts. I cant say for certain that my roof is 100% within specs, and in absolute fairness John over at Baja Rack has been very engaged. There's just not much that can be done from across the country.

Here are the pictures I promised in my last update:


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Having had the same rack on multiple Discos I can say that the gutter variations between trucks is significant. Some fit well. Some didn't.

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