How do you combat burnout? I am soooooooo sick of my van at the moment, I know it will pass but daaaaaaamn does it suck!! In an effort to not make more useless attempts at designing a layout/build sheet I just stopped altogether, now I feel over/underwhelmed all at once. FWP, most definitely, however, it is still not fun. Seriously considered selling and buying an already finished van but came to my senses that "NO" van will ever be "perfect" not sure how to start up again and winter is making it less and less appealing. Feeling like a deer in the headlights.
Sometimes you need to just step away take time off then focus on another project. When I did my initial build out on my Syncro I was able to stay focused and had no issues working on it everyday for a few months. I had a purpose because soon as the van was ready, I was hitting the road. Meaning getting the van ready = fun so it was easy to stay motivated.
Fast forward 1 and a half years. I've been on the road full time staying in Colorado almost the entire time. Was great and had a lot of fun. I didn't plan to stay gone so long and had left things unfinished on my van so minor problems started happening. I decided it was time to go home and finish my build but this time finishing my build means I'm now selling the van. That in it self is unmotivating because I like my Syncro..
I'm selling the van because I need more room as I've started a business while on the road and just need a full size van to be able to run my biz and travel full time. At first I was gung ho to come back and get on the rebuild. On the way home I had fuel pump issues.. broke down countless times due to this. No one could get me the fuel pump I needed and the only one I managed to find was defective.. It would get hot then would stop working.. (This made for a very long and stressful drive from CO to FL)
By the time I made it back, I was completely burnt out with my van. Almost soon as I made it home I had a wheel bearing go out which made my burn out even worse as the last thing I wanted to do was work on it.. I just spent the last 2 months not doing a damn thing to it just because I was burnt out.
In that time I was looking for a van to replace my current one and finally found it last week. After messing around with the new van a bit and thinking how I'll build it out, I'm suddenly ok again with working on my Syncro. It's kinda like having my new project took away from the stress/dread of finishing my Syncro to get it ready to sell. I guess due to now having my new van, I once again see the light at the end of the tunnel and can focus on my goal..
I'd suggest if you are burnt out, find something else to play with for a bit. That's what worked for me.
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