Just so there is no confusion, neither of these windows are the units that we carry. The Xuhe windows are a lower cost and quality window designed for the Chinese domestic vehicle industry. Xuhe is not a window manufacture, they build vehicles. The windows they are selling are probably overstock that they are trying to dump. All of the components are chinese made, including the latches and the acrylic. The Maygood windows are also lower quality, made for the same market. The Maygood windows also use Chinese acrylic and latches. Both use a lower grade screen/blind assembly too.
Our windows source European acrylic and latch assemblies because they meet ECE standards for impact and durability. The Chinese products meet no standards, and are more brittle. Our windows are also clearer and more UV resistant. The polymer used in our latch assemblies (from Germany) are incredibly tough. Some things the Chinese do very well, and those components are all sourced in China. The assembly of our windows and other items are in China. The components are sourced from the best in the world. The latches in our MD doors for instance are genuine TriMark latches (USA), not one of the many clones.
You can pretty well forget any kind of warranty on these Alibaba components, and there will be no parts. Real manufacturers do not sell product by the window. They sell by the container. Don't be fooled. There are many people in China right now posing as manufacturers, when they are either some other business with overstock to sell, or some guy buying and reselling out of his bedroom. If an issue ever arises, their line just goes dead. If you end up with a torn screen or a broken latch, you will need a new window, assuming you can even find it again. Once you cut a hole in your wall, you are pretty much stuck unless there is room to enlarge to the next size up from us. Believe me we get these calls!! We have chatted with people faced with boarding up the hole because they have no room to enlarge, and the windows they had cannot be sourced. This problem has also come up with Dometic (Seitz) products. Zero customer support. If you need warranty service from us, or a part, it will be in the mail the next day. Lose your keys? We have you covered. No orphan products, today or tomorrow. Unfortunately our parts do not interchange with these Alibaba products.
Understand that I'm not dissing anyone for looking for a good deal! I look for deals too! I just want to get the facts out there, so that people understand what THEY are getting in the deal, and getting for their money. Comparing an Acura to a Civic on the basis of price doesn't make much sense. There are reasons why an Acura costs more, and those reasons either matter to you or they don't. I'll be going to China in a few days to personally tour the factory and processes used to build these products. If there is an issue, I can call the owner of the company personally. He is a great guy by the way! We have specific quality standards written into our contract to ensure that everything from powdercoating to packaging is top shelf. These are the reasons why our products are priced as they are. I do not want genuine Arctic Tern products confused with lower grade clones. By the way, you will be seeing our products as standard equipment on many top shelf US made overland campers and trailers in 2018, because they are committed to quality as well.
Thanks for listening. and my apologies to the OP for the momentary hijack. I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming :ylsmoke: