Do Australian ARB Parts fit US Vehicles?


New member
It appears I am simply out of luck with getting an ARB bumper or rack for my gen 2.5 here in the US.
Has anyone purchased products from ARB or Jaos in Australia? Somewhere I heard those vehicles are narrower?
Any insight? Help I want to outfit this montero but I cant find decent gear for it!!
I can't speak to all the parts available. But, the gen 1 parts fit. I've looked at a lot of gen 2 parts that are available in the AU, EU (FR and DE) and GB (now that they are leaving the EU). I've never seen a difference in the frames and mountings. I suspect the basic frames are identical. There are a number of parts and accessories that were never available in the US.

Paddler Ed

Japanese market vehicles may well be a bit narrower to meet taxation classes; however, I suspect that's most likely to be in the removal of external trim pieces such as wheel arch flares. Rare cases they do a much narrower body (Toyota Camry's and Honda Accords are both examples of this) but on the whole I suspect the 4WDs would be consistent.

Have a look on and find the era vehicle you are looking for, and you'll also get the codes that are used in Australia to describe them (rather than 2.5 Generation etc, they use a 2 letter code)

Hope that helps,



It appears I am simply out of luck with getting an ARB bumper or rack for my gen 2.5 here in the US.
Has anyone purchased products from ARB or Jaos in Australia? Somewhere I heard those vehicles are narrower?
Any insight? Help I want to outfit this montero but I cant find decent gear for it!!

If you are willing to buy ARB parts from Australia and have them shipped here you could easily find similar parts (bumpers etc...) for Land Cruisers and various Jeeps (or prefabbed bumpers on ebay for off road vehicle applications) and have them custom fitted by a local fabricator for less money and then you would have exactly what you want.
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