Excellent, but you continue to write that we NEED to have a "discussion" about the gun problem in America. There is no gun problem, so your talking point is a non sequitur. Now if you believe mass media propagandists, then there's a gun murder in every home and school by-the-minute. The more you say that the public needs to "discuss" the problem---you give legitimacy to their lies. The opposite is true, in that the MORE guns that are sold/owned in America, the LESS crime there is. Please take a few minutes to read this:
1993 to 2013: More Guns, Less Gun Crime
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Personally I am done arguing with those that seek to restrict/ban my Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms. There comes a time when you just have to tell them to ********. There are already ways to lessen the issues we are discussing, but politicians/law enforcement/judicial system REFUSE to:
1. Follow the Constitution
2. Stop Political Correctness from affecting their ability to enforce the laws in-place
3. Confront the REAL people responsible for most of the problems, instead of attempting to make MORE useless laws/regulations that ultimately restrict MY rights
Good Lord, you told me that you understood the connections---and now you write that you don't "see" the connections? Yes my point is very logical, and backed by hard data. Just because you think the the 2nd Amendment has immediate effects when used wrongfully doesn't mean that the rest of America needs to "discuss" ways to curb their problems. Let me explain in a way that all military folks understand.... There used to be a saying whenever someone would screw up in the barracks, on post, or in town. That saying was "
One dude sheites his pants---everyone has to wear a diaper". Meaning that when some Private or Corporal did something stupid, the Battalion Commander would advise the Command Sergeant Major to cancel everyone's weekend pass, instead of punishing that particular offender. You see that now in combat zones, where troops are wearing reflective belts. Reflective safety belts in a damn combat zone? Why? Because some E-1, E-2, or E-3 walked in front of a MRAP at Camp Bastion or Bagram. The analogy? A subsection of American society cannot control themselves and commit a MUCH larger percentage of gun crimes. So instead of punishing THAT particular subsection (like those pesky Privates/Corporals), the government (like that Battalion Commander and CSM) must punish everyone (the everyone is the rest of society).
Hope this assists.