Do you have a dashcam ?


I use the GPS enabled Garmin Virb mounted with the adhesive mount on my Disco's dash. I have another non-GPS Virb aiming back at the rear seat (young kids are hillarious, young kids off-roading is priceless) and finally the last non-GPS virb is aimed out one of the windows to get a different perspective.

I control the interior and side cameras with my Garmin watch or remote, as I don't like looking through 8+ hours of footage per trip to find the best shots. The dash cam is powered via USB-to-12V outlet and captures the entire trip out the dash.

I'm thinking of getting a couple more to round out the trip. Our family "overlanding" videos have been a hoot and the kids love them. They are much more entertaining than a typical "vacation" video, but I will freely admit I'm nowhere near up to the standards of say Clay Croft (Expedition Overland) and Andrew St. Pierre (4xOverland).

The dash cams are all set to 720p to save space on the cards. I could easily go 1080p, but since this isn't commercial, I don't see the point. Archiving/backing up high-bit rate 720p video files is a LOT easier, and the quality loss isn't that noticeable. Now if I can save a few bonus checks to afford the DJI Phantom 4.....


I have a Mobius Dashcam installed under the sun visor, hard wired with ignition on, so it comes on automaticcaly. It has a 32 Gb memory card, which is good for recording approx four and a half hours of video. It is set to loop recording, and records in secttions of 5 min. When the card is full it will overwrite the oldest sections. You can save a 5 min section by pressing a button so it is marked read-only so you can transfer it later to your computer (e.g. in case of evidence footage). Video quality is outstanding, and price tag is really cheap for it quality.

View attachment 336910

This the one?


I use the Thinkware 50 on the Jeep. No screen, continuous loop, auto on, no battery for heat issues. etc. Had to turn down the impact settings on "incidents" and the software is not real good. That is fine. Not making family photo albums.

I work in claims for a living. Long as you were right, it is a good tool. Need to set one up the other car. But less than $100.00? Yes please.


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