Sorry, a bit late with the Friday photo updates.
Here are the shore hookups coming together nicely. The water fill is at the top left of the compartment.
This photo has a lot going on.
Blinds are in.
Shower is in.
Slide out counter inserts are in.
Flip up counter over entry step is in.
Microwave is in.
Looks like fresh water tank is in under the bed.
Heating ducts look to be coming together under the bed.
Looks like the flooring MAY be in. Fuzzy photo means I am not positive.
Composting toilet looks to be in place. Probably just sitting there though. Venting for toilet coiled up behind.
Bathroom sink and faucet are in.
Shower is in.
Tons more wiring looks to be completed.
Concertone receiver had to go back as it wasn't functioning correctly.(Waiting for a replacement from Concertone).
Kitchen counter is just waiting to have the cook top installed. (We had a delay when we realized the cook top was 240v not 120v as they had assumed. All figured out now and an Outback 120v - 240v Autotransformer will boost the power for us.
Blind over the sink is in. Sink and pullout faucet are in.
It looks like the TV is mounted on the left side of the photo.
Should be done by end of next week.