Adam, so far it is just holding my driveway down from blowing away if it becomes windy here.
As I mentioned a while back our son was playing in the University CIS hockey championships two weeks ago and this weekend was the shower/stag for the wedding coming up in June so we have had to stay close to home. We have some suspension issues to work out as well before we can go anywhere. Our suspension control box mounted under the camper needed to be accessible but in the end after the camper was mounted and the lower boxes and grey tank were built the control box was "boxed in". We now have to move the mount for the box to the other side of the frame and run a short "extension cord" of wiring to the new location. As well all new air lines will need to be run. As well, the lower bushings for the rear King shocks were too small so we have had to get new ones. Mix in with this that East weekend was in the middle of all of this and the camper hasn't moved. We are hoping to have the new front shock mounts and the extension for the wiring harness by this Wednesday, install them Thursday and Friday then I can go back to Coaldale to ITB to have a new air control box mount made. Then back to home to have the air box moved to the new mounting location. THEN, we should be good to go. We have been taking the time to get some things set up inside and become familiar with all of the systems. As well, for some reason our diesel heater is drawing down the battery bank real fast so they have to do some checking there. We had discussed moving one of the batteries to the rear of the camper to make way for the air box but have decided it will be easier and more efficient to relocate the air box to the other side of the frame.
We were hoping to go on a trip in April but it may be in to May before we get going on an actual trip as there is another wedding shower at the end of April.