Just got home now from looking at the '05 Astro AWD. The dark brake & trans fluid (known from the professionally done pre-purchase inspection) were indications of poor maintenance, but when I inspected the inside of the radiator cap, that confirmed that this van was not well maintained – it was all grungy looking. AC didn't work.
The cab interior color was blue! I thought they were all grey or tan (especially in a white van) so this was odd looking, but would have been acceptable if everything else had checked out. Unfortunately the cargo area was VERY scratched up, requiring a full painting or bed-liner coating – not cheap.
I went for a good test drive, and it seemed ok, a little less boat-like than the other two I drove, perhaps because it was the newer model (‘03 to ’05)? I had the feeling that I could live with it, especially when new, carefully selected tires and shocks would improve the ride.
Unfortunately the body exterior had so many dents, scratches and obviously poorly done repair areas – complete with 3 big dents in the roof, and the side panels (where the optional side glass windows would be) were full of little reverse dents from items striking it from the inside. This alone forced me to pass on the purchase. Even if I had fixed up all the other things like new bumpers, tires, engine & trans servicing, new windshield etc, I would still be left with that body full of dents, scratches and dings all over, requiring an expensive visit to the body shop. It just needed too much money thrown at it.
The other ’05 2WD one I found online with 93,000 km on it sure seems appealing now, but no AWD, and $10,500.00
The search continues!