Well, my battery box is about done. Here’s the rundown.
100ah Renogy AGM battery charges from:
- Solar charging through Renogy Wanderer 30a charge controller with 100W Renogy panel on roof input through Anderson Power Poles and option to add 200W from Renogy Eclipse suitcases with input through MC4 connectors.
- DC charging from car battery through Renogy 20a DC/DC converter wired to truck battery, input through Anderson Powerpoles
- AC charging from 3a Battery Tender with input from AC port
Output goes to:
- 700W Renogy Inverter with one AC port on box, switch on outside of box
- ARM fridge freezer outlet on box
- USB and 12v outlets with voltmeter on box
Have two busbars, main battery switch and junction box for outputs. Have installed two vents and will add more.
Thanks for everyone’s comments. Appreciate any feedback or counsel!
Need to complete - More in-line fuses and final securing of battery and inverter.
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