Don't Throw Your Life Away - Battling Marine Debris from Alaska to Panama


Active member
After deciding not to go to Tuk, I figured I should see some of the Northwest Territories and so after Fort Nelson decided to take the loop up through NWT and over, then aim down towards Alberta in a few days. I was hoping also to get to Yellowknife and see what that was like. There are a lot of Bison out here.


Fall is on its way, but largely it's still been t-shirt or light jacket weather during the days.


I left Fort Nelson around noon and only drove until probably 4 or 5 before finding a quiet little river beach. I shouldn't have to say quiet, there's hardly anyone out here in general. But I wanted some relaxation time. No writing, no uploading. And so I ordered my river with extra tannin and played with the kid, and read a book.





I picked up what little there was back here...





...and left feeling pretty well rested. What I didn't know was how important that little bit of rest would be. What was coming next would push me to my emotional and physical limits.


Active member
Be warned, it seems a lot of the driving up here looks like this


Which isn't to say it's bad, it's just mostly this. Unless you go find access to the little creeks as you cross bridges




Then yep, back to this


But that's ok, this is a road trip afterall.


So here was my plan now. Yellowknife is still a long way away, it would remain that way for quite a long time. So I was going to stop in and see Fort Simpson and camp somewhere in the middle on the way to the big town. Easy right? Cross a ferry, see a little town, look at another river and be on my way. They even have a big tepee.



Seems to be going alright doesn't it?


Active member
Wait, before we go on, look at these from before




Okay, you're right. I'm stalling.

So Fort Simpson has a beach. I've been to lots of beaches. When the guy at the visitor center says "and depending on how much you trust your car, you can drive right on it" I think, oh lovely. There are few things I like as much as driving on a nice beach. See previous posts, it's tons of fun.


This isn't so bad


I'm taking cool pictures, having a good time. Notice that patch up and to the left ^^^ Remember that patch, we will come back to it. Yes, I've already driven around it. It was a darker patch of sand.


This should have been a clue, but it's so close to the water, of course it's wetter. The warning at the visitor center should have been a clue, but the drive this far was great. I haven't done anything stupid.....yet


And then, just like that........I did.


Active member
That darker patch of sand had some motorcycle tracks over it. The sand so far had been pretty good, I thought it'll be a little sloppy maybe. So no, I didn't walk the line first, I knew better because I had already driven around it once. I was having a pretty good day up until now. And.....I drove towards the darker patch.

It was soft, yes. Now softer, maybe this is the time I finally get to test the Maxtrax. And we've stopped. Oh, this is rather bad, nope, let's back up. Can't back up. Time to deploy, but that's alright, I've seen the television programs, there's always lots of time to set up and then the truck will pop right out. I open the door and I can still see the bottom half of the rear tire, the wheel is above the sand, but something is wrong. The ground isn't staying still. It's moving, why is it moving? We're definitely moving now, down. That glance backwards at the tire and seeing the earth cave around it was like a gut shot. This wasn't just getting stuck at the beach, we were sinking. I scrambled around the corner to get the Maxtrax off the roof, no time to think about how much easier it is to get them off when you lower the vehicle, but I'm up to my calves, now I'm up to my knees. It's not just sand anymore, it's water. I'm grabbing boards off the roof as fast as I can, but there's no time to get them under anything. It's dropping an inch a second. I'm watching the Jeep sink, that's all I can do. I have no control anymore.

How far will it go? Is this when I watch the whole thing get swallowed up to the roof? I've messed up bad. Oh, there's no one here.

From looking back at the tire on the surface to this was under a minute. You see my first shovel is out, this can't be dug. It's soup on top, wet cement on the bottom masquerading as mud. There was no water present before I arrived.




Well, I'm hosed. I can't even get a hole dug to get the Maxtrax under. At best, it's like walking on a brownie.

I didn't know I knew so many swear words. But alright, alright, calm down. It's not sinking anymore. I think. It's still running, that's good. That broken muffler? That's what it's breathing out of. I'll leave it running right? Yes, eventually I realized it was still in gear and at least put it back into neutral. Ok what do I do, I can't get out of this. I'll have to call someone. Surely I'm not going to get "Of all the idiots we've had get stuck out there, you're the first". So I call a local tow company. They say they'll send someone to scout and report back whether they can get out here or not. I see them come by, well, probably half a mile away back at the start of the beach. I wave, they turn around. Another call, no, they can't get out there. But there's a local construction company that has a big caterpillar, maybe they would help. Here's about how that call went. "I've lived here my whole life and I've never gone down there. I'm not bringing anything out there."

Ok, so no one from town will come. TO THE INTERNET! Well I'm in Fort Simpson NWT, the odds are slim, but I posted to FB, and here in the Canadian section. This was my panic stage. Anyone around, please help type thing. It was a popular FB post, I'll give it that. At the very least as it went I left a message with a guy who might have another piece of heavy machinery.

How's the Jeep, still running, that's good. How's the pit?


What an odd turn my life has taken.

But wait, there's something happening. Is it the heat from the truck? It's less like a pond now. The cement's setting. Is this good or bad?


You can see the result of the quick attempt to go backwards to where it was safe before, those Maxtrax won't be coming out for a while. The one in the front passenger is making me feel a little better. But this isn't.


It's not sand mud. It's silt.


Alright, so no one's coming. RCMP haven't been able to find me, no one from town will even bother. There's a man that could maybe come out tomorrow with something with treads. He says last week a guy in a 3/4 ton got pulled out, but he was much closer to the access road. Even if it comes to that, there's so much suction in this mud, we can't just drag it out.

Well it's been a couple hours, I've calmed down. I've told my dad I've run into some trouble, but I'm working on it. I decide I'll tell my mom later. Hi mom.

The substance I've sunk into seems more like mud. I can dig mud. I've got to try.



Hey, that's something. It's still above the front axle, rear is completely sunk, full frame up to the oil pan. The right passenger corner is still bugging me....


But we'll get to that


Active member
Just gotta keep working. I'm using both shovels, the murder beaver and the folding army style. The long one is just too big to get underneath. I'm on my hands and knees, or laying down, shoveling sideways to get underneath it. Have to free the frame. Those Maxtrax pointed backwards? Still stuck.


Such a bizarre consistency to this stuff. It's still springy everywhere, the rear is still wet. I'm working from the front backwards. The frame is resting on something, so it's not going to get any worse.



That's starting to look like progress right? You can tell the axles drooped when it was soup. The wheels are just in water still.

It's this low.


Accidentally pointed the wrong way, but it's now almost 9, and I've got my tent set up. I've got to get some sleep. On the ground remember, my pad is still not holding air, and I can't for the life of me find where the leak is. I'm beat.


Time to sleep.



Wow been there, as you found out the hard way beaches with dark spots are pretty iffy. Beaches are pretty marginal for recovery, lots of tow companies will not go past the access road the tow trucks are just too heavy. As you are traveling solo, I would suggest avoiding anything that looks marginal for surface if that had been a tidal beach you could have been in a really tough spot.


Active member
It sprinkled a little during the night, my sleeping bag zipper is busted now, the sand under the tent is firm. Good for Jeeps, not for sleeps. But the morning is clear. Cold, but clear.


Yes, it's solid enough to get some real digging done. Even got a board pretty near the right rear. It's heavy, this silt. Slowly but surely though, parts are becoming free. Every chunk that makes a squishy, smacking noise as it comes free of the frame is less holding it back. The front axle is free now, and under the T-case. Looking promising.



Time to employ other skills. I've got my hatchet, yeah? Let's make more floatation and more traction. Last thing I want now is for it to get on the Maxtrax and sink in the middle, or have the rears end up in the holes made by the fronts.


So it's looking like the question now is, will the Jeep with no name be extricated from its overnight prison, or do I have a riverside Airbnb for rent soon on the Mackenzie River?


It's trying. The left front Maxtrax was pulled to stuff under the left rear while that other one is still stuck behind the front tire. A log will have to do just for now. The tires are spinning, and I can hear each nub as they're skimming past, not getting any traction. All that's left in the mud really is what's left of the rear axle I couldn't dig and the gas tank, I just need to get the boards to get under there and it can pull itself out, I'm sure of it. I've got a couple sticks left. I use my ratched straps and tie them to the tread of the tire. At least once per rotation they can help drag the Maxtrax into place. Hokey, yes.'s working. The pressure is off the one pointed the wrong way, I can now jam it back on top of the log, and give the front another something to cling onto. I'm standing now at the door, half out, watching the rear tires. Stick comes around, bites a bit, Maxtrax goes a bit deeper, I can feel it lunging now. Another rotation, and another. I look at the front. I'm just rocking the pedal just enough to feel where it wants to bite. And the front is coming up.

Another round, and it's free, but not just free, it's going! Now is the time, no resets, hopefully those branches on each side will keep it afloat just long enough to get to the next boards. It's never launched as hard as it did out of that hole. And then.....


I can't remember screaming so loud. It was out!

I forgot my phone was still sitting on a towel on the roof, but even that was still there. I was wondering what that tapping was.


The trip in this picture took something stupid like 18 hours, but I did it. No one came, no tow companies, no construction companies, no mounties.


You can see now it was just sitting on the floor, mud packed into every nook and cranny, over the axles, up between the tank, and the wheels were just in water.


But not anymore


And yes, I timed him in the window perfectly.


Well-known member
Wow, I can't imagine the emotions you must have gone through while it was sinking. That alone must have been exhausting. Good work.


Good job! hard work for sure but very satisfying when you get out.

Solid plan with the branches to keep you up top once you got moving.


So I'm guessing you'd answer "yes" to that thread titled Maxtrax, are they worth it? I know I'll be looking for a secondary self recovery system for my Jeep after reading about your situation.


Active member
So I'm guessing you'd answer "yes" to that thread titled Maxtrax, are they worth it? I know I'll be looking for a secondary self recovery system for my Jeep after reading about your situation.

I saw that too, and will stop by there soon. My answer is a resounding yes.


Active member
Great job getting out with a bit of luck too. A little while ago another member did something similar with his Xterra and the insurance company ended up totaling it.


Active member
Wow, good work getting yourself out of that!


That's what it sounded like

Wow, I can't imagine the emotions you must have gone through while it was sinking. That alone must have been exhausting. Good work.

It was a rollercoaster for sure. Learned a lot and everything hurts. Then I got a hotel room, took a shower then a bath then a shower and ate everything in sight.

Good job! hard work for sure but very satisfying when you get out.

Solid plan with the branches to keep you up top once you got moving.

Yeah it was. Everything helped.

Great job getting out with a bit of luck too. A little while ago another member did something similar with his Xterra and the insurance company ended up totaling it.

Well, I'll take a bit of luck when I can. :)

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