DRE's New FWC Project


How does your Super Tenere fit in the trailer?
From pics it looks a bit short. For my V-strom I think i'd have to pull the windshield to make it fit.
Regardless, love your truck and trailer setup.


The lights on the ARB are your turn and parking lights- they suck. ARB pretty much cheaped out on them and if they're mounted anything like the ones on the Tacoma they are maddening to try to get to when they burn out a bulb, and they will because they don't seal that well. You can replace the bulbs with some LED bulbs or replace the whole assembly with some from a VW (which they're a copy of) or ARB now has out a new LED light kit for expensive price of $95. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01BNGI6UK/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=16CWUH4EQF3J7&coliid=I2A2YIZJ41C6TL

You can retrofit the ARB driving...

Thanks for the detailed response. I think I'm going to eventually have to do one of the inserts, but it will require a lot of cutting, and they're pretty expensive, so for now, I'll live with it. It is unfortunate that they cheaped out on those though. And the terminals look they'll work great, and will just require me stripping the wire on the existing terminal leads.

Perfect balance! Just like a sports car...

Yeah right? :bike_rider: A nice 5 ton sports car! haha

So what's next bud?

The wallet needs to build back up a bit, so for now, I just need to get the kitchen done in the trailer so it's fully useful. I also want to get some temporary fog lights for the front to hook up to the factory fog light wires.

How does your Super Tenere fit in the trailer?
From pics it looks a bit short. For my V-strom I think i'd have to pull the windshield to make it fit.
Regardless, love your truck and trailer setup.

The trailer is 6.5' x 10' x 5' tall internal dimensions. So there is plenty of room for 2 smaller bikes, or 1 big bike and a bunch of other stuff. I need to build some cabinets so I can keep all my riding gear in the trailer. That gear takes up a lot of room in the truck, and is usually dirty, wet, or both.

Here is the bike loaded up for this weekend. My wife and I are heading out for an Anniversary camping trip on the western shore of Maryland and doing a tour of the local shore towns and 3 different river ferry crossings. Should be a good time as long as the weather holds out. Unless you have an extra tall screen, it should fit easy. My Tenere has about 6 inches to spare.


There is plenty of room for 2 smaller bikes. Here is my DRZ loaded up for a trip with some friends 2 weekends ago:


I have two different chocks set up inside. And clamp type chock for dirt bikes trials bikes, but that doesn't work for the large Tenere due to the tire size and rotor and fender clearance issues. For times with the bike bike, I installed a removable standard chock. With the alum rail system, it's easily changed around for either bike, or a second bike plus all the gear needed for the weekend. I'll also put in tie down points for gas cans, my Honda generator, and a box or two for fire wood.


Hope that explains things a bit more.




Took a day off of work yesterday so I could get a non-rainy day to do some work on the truck. Mostly just got the storage situated in the box behind the cab. Still need to figure out what is the best place for things, but there is plenty of room left over. Hopefully it will stay that way and I won't fill it up with crap we don't need.

Hopefully get some more time today/tomorrow to work on the kitchen setup for the trailer.




Looks awesome, what slides did you go with (capacity and brand)?

Truthfully, I can't remember for sure. I seem to recall them being rated for 300lbs and being Accuride brand. I've had these in the box they were bought in for more than 7 years. No name on the box or on the slides themselves. Bought them for another project and ended up not using them. I'm just happy they found a home here, and were actually the perfect size.




Got some more done for the trailer today. All of the face frames are completed and the main box finished. Should be able to install it in the trailer and finish up the counter this week.

All of the pieces cut and waiting for the rain to subside to put them together.

The box put together:


Where it will live. The blue tape is the outline where it will hit the floor and the front wall. There will also be a fold down table on the door.

More this week.




Had time today to put the kitchen in the trailer. I still need to make the drawers and drawer fronts/doors, but that should be able to get done this week now that I have a little more space in the garage with the main unit moved and installed. Pics:




Just a small update from this weekend. I FINALLY got the aluminum bed fixed so that the wheel wells were centered on the axle. Many thanks to Main Line Overland for their continued help in getting the company to fix it, and even offering to help with the costs. It's a shame really, you can tell the workers really took pride in their work, as it was very well constructed, just not the correct dimensions. Either way, it's fixed now and I can focus on more important parts... Getting out and camping!

And from this weekends' camping:




Nice job on the flatbed fix, and that trailer is still a thing of beauty.

Oh, and the flower photo is nice too.


Got some time this father's day to finish up most of the kitchen area, at least as far as I'll be taking the cabinets until fall probably. I still want to do a better job on the doors, and put drawer fronts on that match, but that can be later. I may even end up ordering those from an online place. The whole goal is to make cooking and food prep easier and this should make for less trips into the camper for supplies when cooking outside and for larger groups. This has always been an important piece of our camping setup for my wife since we're usually camped with other people and share cooking duty and my wife loves to have a nice place to cook.

This still left to do:
- Some time this summer, I still want to add a battery, a couple 12VDC chargers, and some interior lighting. Does anyone have a good idea for come 12V dimmable, color changing LED stip lighting? I'd like to mount something under the upper cabinet and be able to change it from a dim red at night to a brighter white when we're cooking.
- Add a water jug on the front of the camper that can be use to dispense water
- Add a matching Fiamma F45 awning over the kitchen area. Need funds to go back up a bit before that though.

The (mostly) finished setup. This stove and grill are strapped down for transport.

The drawers are 16x20

In the cabinets up top, we'll have a bunch of boxes like these for organizing. I still have to mount some shelving in there too to break up the space some.

Camping this weekend with a group and their families riding motorcycles, so I'm sure it will get a good workout.


Hey Guys... Looking for some opinions. I got some flood lights to replace the factory ones and need help with where to put them. Thoughts?

Option 1, in the space between the bull bar and the main bumper. It will be a little tight, and may reflect a little off of the bar once mounted, but should work fine:

Option 2, on the factory ARB tabs... This will need to move at some point as it's the perfect place to put a 30" light bar I want to get when funds allow, so this will be a temporary spot:

Option 3, lower on the front, but a little proud of the front face of the bumper:




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