Driving slow on fast freeways?


Ive got a question for you Ryan, based upon my observations as an experienced truck driver, based out of CA originally, and now Idaho.

I see more and more company rigs. And less driver owned rigs.

Do you see this as a cause for many of the truck driver complaints?

From what Ive seen the drivers dont give a hoot about what they are hauling, or even what they are driving, when they have a company rig. They are simply in the hot seat to get the truck from point A to B.


Thanks, Ryan. Hopefully we can enjoy the beauty of Utah together some time, and I'll try my best to keep out of your way! By the way, I had that bug on my freshly washed windshield just last week.


PS WARNING!! I'll be leaving for California in about 10 days. I haven't planned my route yet!


Ive got a question for you Ryan, based upon my observations as an experienced truck driver, based out of CA originally, and now Idaho.

I see more and more company rigs. And less driver owned rigs.

Do you see this as a cause for many of the truck driver complaints?

From what Ive seen the drivers dont give a hoot about what they are hauling, or even what they are driving, when they have a company rig. They are simply in the hot seat to get the truck from point A to B.
yup. In fact I said as much in a previous post.

As the risk of making what some might deem a racial post. I think there are a couple of companies out there that are recruiting right from the ghetto. These couple of companies all have drivers that look like inner city thugs and act that way too.

It all has to do with fright rates and fuel costs. The old timers are getting out because as the fuel goes up and up and up these same big companies are keeping the rates just the same and paying their drivers less and less.

This is one reason I made the risky move and went with a company hauling haz-mat (propane). I can still make a good living but don't have do deal with all the crap of owning my own rig.


Expedition Poseur
I can still make a good living but don't have do deal with all the crap of owning my own rig.

FWIW, right now is a good time to own your own rig.

It is getting darn hard to find trucks to move loads, and prices are through the freekin' roof.

A year ago, I was paying $800 + fuel (we mirror the govt rate) to get from Tucson to Denver. Last week, I paid $2249 + fuel for the same lane. That was the best I could get after having 9 carriers on the hunt for the better half of a week.

The boards showed just over 240 loads trying to get out of AZ the day we finally moved it -- that was just the dry vans, it didn't include the reefers of flat beds. If you can swing the financing, now is the time to make some $$$.

Scenic WonderRunner

Every good road thread needs a good theme song!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmI_bW0Nwwc"]The Road Hammers - I'm A Road Hammer....[/ame]

Here's to all who share the Road!....:beer: <~(while off duty of course!)

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SE Expedition Society
I don't know if you have a CB Radio or not. If you don't have one, I would get one.
I can get to 65 if the interstate is level; most often it's 62-63 though and that's it. Even without the trailer the Jeep isn't at its best on a highway.

I practice courtesy and use the CB to let the Drivers know what's going on with me; I hear their comments about the trailer and we jaw a while. When I use the CB or blink my lights to indicate that it's safe to re-occupy the lane, I always get a "thank you".

We had an enjoyable trip out to Overland Expo 2010 this way, taking the 2200 mile scenic route. On the way back I ditched most of the interstates and took backroads; saved almost 400 miles but it took a day longer. But much more fun.

Not a single rude maneuver until I was almost home and just a bit out of Birmingham; a narcoleptic Cadillac pilot nearly became acquainted with my insurance adjuster but managed to swerve at the last minute.




Expedition Leader
Another problem is that the more restrictions and laws they force on us as a driving force, the more it pushes the older more respectable drivers out of the industry.

Yeah, don't know if you've heard, but up here in Ontario, all trucks are supposed to be electronicly limited to 105km/h (63mph). It's a law, and it's up to the fleet owner to make it so. I can see the frustration in the drivers. On the one hand, I actually do feel things are a lot safer. I very rarely have a truck up on my bumper at 115. On the other hand, there are a LOT of "elephant races". One truck doing an actual 105.1 passing another truck doing 104.9. And they're there all day. They don't care. The guy being passed should let off, but they never do.

In my opinion cars present a much higher risk to you than trucks. You can get killed just easily by a car as a truck and there are many more cars on the road, mostly driven by far less qualified drivers. The numbers alone would argue that you chances of being killed by a car are higher.

I don't agree. Yes, I'm more likely to be killed by a car than a truck. But only because there are so many more cars. And yes, some of them are bad. Well I think the drivers are about the same, but it's easier for a bad driver in a car to cause trouble than a truck, because trucks can't manoever as fast. I drove 800km yesterday, and had 2 really bad car drivers. One of them driving too fast and swerving through traffic, cut me off (had to hit the brakes), etc. Another, a guy in a MB 500SL or something, merged onto a freeway at about 40mph, I had to slam on the brakes, he never sped up and got off at the next exit. I only had one badish truck incident, and it wasn't that bad. I was in the left lane, passed a truck on the right who was coming up on a slow car in the right lane, and he pulled out to pass the car way too close on my tail. He didn't want to slow down. There's no excuse for a truck to be driving 10 feet behind a family minivan, I don't care how much of a rush you're in.

When I use the CB or blink my lights to indicate that it's safe to re-occupy the lane, I always get a "thank you".

I do that too. If I'm around a trucker who's driving responsibly, I'll work with him. If I'm being passed, I'll take off the cruise control so he can get it done and back over into the right, and flash my lights when he's clear. But if I'm in the left lane, stuck behind somebody else, and I get an impatient truck behind me, I'm always going to slow down.

The worst are the ones who try to squeeze you out of the lane. They've had my wife in tears a couple of times. I'm in the left lane, passing two trucks on the right, but I'm being held up by somebody ahead of me. I'm running beside the trailing truck on the right. The trailing truck in the right lane decides he wants to pass the leading truck in the right lane. He puts on his signal, and expects me to slam on the brakes to let him into the left lane. I can't accellerate because there's another (usually a truck) ahead of me. Then, they just start to move over.

We almost had a head on with a bridge abutment once, because me wife was driving and she actually went over onto the left shoulder, but then the left shoulder disappeared as the road when over a bridge.

The worst is when they do "the wiggle" to try and scare the car in the left lane. I saw a real bad incident once when a fuel tanker truck did a severe wiggle trying to get a car to let him into the left lane. I was about a 1/4 mile back in a vehicle with an RCMP officer who saw the whole thing. I thought for sure he'd call 911 on the cell phone and call in a trooper to come stop this guy, but he never did anything. I was livid.

It is almost criminally illegal. All it takes is one violation and I lose my license for up to a year. A second violation I can lose it for life.

It's not even close to the same. If I pull a gun out and point it at your head, and you get it on video, I'm going to JAIL. You think that if I took video of you driving a truck 10 feet from my bumper, that you'd go to jail? Not a chance. I honestly don't see the difference between the two infractions.


New member
As someone who has driven a truck for a living before... either keep up..or get off...lol. Not trying to be a jerk but its extremely dangerous to be going that slow.

As for the sign, it wont' help and the flashers will just cause more distractions.
I don't think anyone who routinely keeps up with traffic can judge weather or not flashers will help, the only view they have is their own. I have been driving slower than average for more than twenty years and I can say without a dought that flashers will keep traffic from building behind you. I have proven this many times. You can rest assured that the next 6cyl.powered 3/4 ton camper I build will have an extra set mounted up high.


Expedition Leader
Just got back from a short trip on a 4 lane (2 per direction) highway, and there's a rig with a wide load. Had to have been more than 12, if not 14 feet wide, with an escort truck behind. He was doing 115 in a 100, changing lanes like a rice burner passing all the other rigs doing 105. Crazy. Older truck without electronic speed limiter I guess.


There is a series land rover with a "slow *** british truck" spare tire cover.

As long as you stay in the right lane, I don't care how slow you go -- of course, the idiots passing you doing 60mph in the left lane while you are doing 55mph in the right would bother me. :smiley_drive:

If you can go faster safely and can remain at or near the limit and you are driving slower to save some gas money, well, I think that sucks and is really unsafe.

On the other hand, I replaced the ECU in my Defender (the slowest vehicle I actually drive) so I could go faster than 89mph so maybe I am biased. :coffeedrink:


Yeah, don't know if you've heard, but up here in Ontario, all trucks are supposed to be electronically limited to 105km/h (63mph). It's a law, and it's up to the fleet owner to make it so. I can see the frustration in the drivers. On the one hand, I actually do feel things are a lot safer. I very rarely have a truck up on my bumper at 115. On the other hand, there are a LOT of "elephant races". One truck doing an actual 105.1 passing another truck doing 104.9. And they're there all day. They don't care. The guy being passed should let off, but they never do.

There are a couple of groups trying to push that through in the states but it isn't getting much traction. I think it's because of the "elephant race" syndrome you talk about. The area of the country I run it has a lot of very long trucks. I pull two trailers and sit just under 100 feet. In theory it makes sense that if all the trucks run the same speed that nobody would be in anyone's way but you have to figure in the weight of each truck too. A truck running at 80,000 is obviously going to be a lot faster on the hills than a truck weighing 120,000 Lbs. I really think it is a bad idea. If the whole country had at least 2 lanes running in each direction it would be less of a problem but on a single lane road, if you have 20 trucks lined up bumper to bumper and people in cars start to get impatient...bad things are going to happen.

It's not even close to the same. If I pull a gun out and point it at your head, and you get it on video, I'm going to JAIL. You think that if I took video of you driving a truck 10 feet from my bumper, that you'd go to jail? Not a chance. I honestly don't see the difference between the two infractions.
To me I don't see much difference. If I go to jail, I lose my job, wife, family house and everything else.

If I lose my job, pretty much the same thing will happen. I make close to 100K a year doing what I am doing and I don't have a collage education. If I lost my ability to drive I would have nothing to fall back on but Burger King or maybe a labor job. Trust me, I shudder at the thought of tail gating someone just as much as I do pulling a gun on them. Not to mention, at least in this country, if you are doing something reckless in a vehicle...especially a big truck and you kill someone, they will not think twice about throwing you in jail. I own guns and I have a concealed weapon permit. I've been trained and trained that if I pull my gun on someone it isn't any different than if I actually use the gun. I look at tailgating the same way. If I'm on your bumper and don't hit you the potential is there just the same.

Deleted member 9101

Just got back from a short trip on a 4 lane (2 per direction) highway, and there's a rig with a wide load. Had to have been more than 12, if not 14 feet wide, with an escort truck behind. He was doing 115 in a 100, changing lanes like a rice burner passing all the other rigs doing 105. Crazy. Older truck without electronic speed limiter I guess.

that's a "fast car"...not a slow truck...lol


Expedition Leader
Anyone know any comparative accident/injury/death statistics for US trucks versus European trucks? I'm pretty sure European trucks are limited to speeds much lower than US trucks.

Deleted member 9101

Anyone know any comparative accident/injury/death statistics for US trucks versus European trucks? I'm pretty sure European trucks are limited to speeds much lower than US trucks.

European trucks go much slower, for much slower distances, carrying much lighter loads. From what I have seen European trucks are not even in the same category as the ones from the US.

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