Kevin Braun
Mountain Biker
I don't think you'd ever have to worry. They put that load limit on then considering it's on a moving vehicle with all the stresses that go along with that. On mine the only thing that's there is the tent while moving down the road. The only time I'd come close to taxing the weight limit is sitting parked. My wife and I are both bigger people. I'd bet between the tent and us we are regularly over that limit by 200lbs. In four years it's never been an issue.
They probably also figure that limit with them extended up all the way which I don't think I'd ever do while moving.
Yeah, I was thinking more while sleeping if you guys have had any doubts.
Moving I see no issues, I would just hate to wake up unplanned as we come crashing down into my trailer due to weight loads. I'm only about 160 and my girl is less, so I'm weighing the options of custom rack with struts to raise and lower the tent vs a static rack or this Thule idea.