Drove the manual gen 2.5 today


Well, I we drove our manual 1999 gen 2.5 montero today. It's much more fun now than it was. I won't lie it wasn't easy. Some things that should have been hard, like the clutch slave, were dirt easy and some things like the engine position and shifter body cutouts sucked. Anything anyone wants to know?

Now with write up:
Things you need (i used a 1994 manual 3.0):
Manual transmission and transfer case
Metal adapter plate from back of engine
Pedal box
Transmission mount cross member
New clutch master
Clutch master hardline
Manual center console
Shifters for the tranny and tcase
Starter from the MT
Flywheel and clutch
New coolant hose

Essentially, its exactly like installing a replacement auto tranny with the following exceptions:

1. You have to remove a brake line retainer from the back of the engine bay behind the engine. It runs next to some coolant pipes and has to be taken out.
2. There is a mount that is made out of sheet metal on the drivers side, part of the firewall. it needs to get hammered flat or cut out. Its at the extreme right edge of the intake plenum.
3. You have to make new engine mounts that move the engine back 1.75-2" Its in the right spot when you have 1/4" of firewall clearance where that bracket is. I can measure it later based on the fan shroud.
4. You have to cut a hole in the central hump for the shifters. Man these trucks are tough metal.
5. You have to hole saw a hole for the clutch master. There is a stamped hole for it already.
6. On the transmission neutral switch wiring, you have to join the input and output wires for the park position. This allows the truck to start.
7. Fit a new coolant hose that is longer.
8. Install the rest and GO!

I'm still figuring out if I will need electric cooling fans as the engine fan is way out of the shroud now. Might be helped by no transmission fluid interchange in the radiator LOL.
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Yeah. It was a conversion. I'll get some pics when the interior is back together. We have the manual interior console to put in.
I'm going to do a write up on it as well.

It wasn't as bad as some, but the engine has to be moved 2" back and you need a 2" body lift. So not simple either


I got the pedal box from the manual 1994 3.0 montero. Bolted right in. Oddly there is a punch out under there for the clutch slave. You can drill a guide hole and then use a hole saw from the engine bay side. The firewall is double sheet metal and the inside is stamped already for it.


Looks like I will have to build a 2" drop box for the shifter boot. It's just too much lift for the shifters to be friendly with. The center console is gonna get cut out too


I'm surprised you needed to raise the body this much from the frame and shift the engine back. Which transmission did you use? A V5MT1? My "old" '92 has one and there is no body lift from the factory. In other parts of the world, the Gen 2.5 had these transmissions from the factory as well.

I need to through a tape measure on the engine position and compare my '93 auto to my "old" '92 M/T. Although its sold, the '92 is still sitting at my house for a couple more days.
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Expedition Leader
very impressive, I always thought about doing that.

Was the transmission neutral switch then only wiring you had to deal with to get it to run? No fault codes on?

Eric M

I'm surprised you needed to raise the body this much from the frame and shift the engine back. Which transmission did you use? A V5MT1? My "old" '92 has one and there is no body lift from the factory. In other parts of the world, the Gen 2.5 had these transmissions from the factory as well.

I need to through a tape measure on the engine position and compare my '93 auto to my "old" '92 M/T. Although its sold, the '92 is still sitting at my house for a couple more days.

Should be the same between the 93 auto and 92 manual. I am also curious as to why he needed a body lift on top of the 40mm higher body mounts that the 3.5L models had.


2" body lift ontop of the factory body lift gen2.5 has?

The gen 2.5 has a "body lift" from the factory??

My 1998 gen 2.5 is identical in height to my wife's 1997 gen2 LS when parked side-by-side, aside from a slight difference due to a tad larger tire on my gen2.5.

Could it be that the 1997 LS models came with the same thickness body mounts as the gen 2.5s because they're rocking the 3.5 liter as well?


The gen 2.5 has a "body lift" from the factory??

My 1998 gen 2.5 is identical in height to my wife's 1997 gen2 LS when parked side-by-side, aside from a slight difference due to a tad larger tire on my gen2.5.

Could it be that the 1997 LS models came with the same thickness body mounts as the gen 2.5s because they're rocking the 3.5 liter as well?

The ones with the bigger engines have raised body mounts compared to the smaller engined models, The 3.0 12v and 2.5 diesel have standard body mounts, and the 3.0 24v , 3.5 and 2.8 diesel have the body mounts 40mm higher, because their gearbox bell housings are bigger, and the bell housing bolts are still a ***** to get at!

I've noticed that even the brand new pajeros come with poor feeling manual boxes, land rover are known for sloppy boxes and they feel better than pajeros! As far as I know the gear lever and transfer lever get switched around between auto and manual here, the transfer lever is closer the driver on the auto, but on the manual it gets put to the passenger side, so an auto console from a RHD might work too if you cut it up a bit

Eric M

The gen 2.5 has a "body lift" from the factory??

My 1998 gen 2.5 is identical in height to my wife's 1997 gen2 LS when parked side-by-side, aside from a slight difference due to a tad larger tire on my gen2.5.

Could it be that the 1997 LS models came with the same thickness body mounts as the gen 2.5s because they're rocking the 3.5 liter as well?
No, ALL models with the V4AW3 transmission have 40mm higher body mounts (not enlarged rubber isolators). Every 3.5L Gen 2 has the V4AW3 and thus has the 40mm body lift. The purpose was more clearance for the transmission.

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