Just thought I would give a small update. Not much added since my last post except led strip lights on the underside of the Diamondback cover to see in the bed since it blocks the ones on the rack (sorry no pics at the moment), otherwise everything else is as it was before, although by no means finished...never! Loving the Diamondback cover, so nice to have everything secure when we are away from camp plus I can actually see behind me when towing now that the tarp cover isn't billowing around.
We just got back from a few days at a campground in Pismo Beach, CA. My daughters require actual plumbing when camping so we do the campground thing when they are along. Our setup never fails to deliver entertaining comments from passers-by which is always fun.
From a beach lifeguard on a quad, "Nice setup bro!" combined with the appropriate "hang loose" hand sign.
From and elderly couple driving by "Does the trailer come with the tent?" "No, I rebuilt everything underneath the tent" followed by "ohhh.."
And one of my favs "I don't even know what that is, but it looks like you are doing it right!"
I like to think that is true.
Stay tuned for more improvements to come!
We just got back from a few days at a campground in Pismo Beach, CA. My daughters require actual plumbing when camping so we do the campground thing when they are along. Our setup never fails to deliver entertaining comments from passers-by which is always fun.
From a beach lifeguard on a quad, "Nice setup bro!" combined with the appropriate "hang loose" hand sign.
From and elderly couple driving by "Does the trailer come with the tent?" "No, I rebuilt everything underneath the tent" followed by "ohhh.."
And one of my favs "I don't even know what that is, but it looks like you are doing it right!"
I like to think that is true.
Stay tuned for more improvements to come!